Kuwekelewa fake evidence

My uncle once told me that when a child is born, it cannot be returned into the uterus.
What that means is you cannot hide the child.
Just tell your wife that before you met her, you made someone pregnant but she disappeared without telling you.
Don’t lie like Mashamba arap Kipindupindu…

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Are you not the same guy who was crying in past thread that you have girls only and no boy to inherit you?

I didn’t cry, I lamented there is a difference of the two. But the boy came like manna from heaven.


so have told your wife?

She felt rejected at first but hey im a luhya man and she had to otherwise angepeleka wapi the many girls she gave birth to . Now she loves the boy dearly like its her own.It was hard the first few months but finally someone had to do it and I did it.I gave my story on Bikeke 2 somewhere in hekaya.

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