Ladies invest in your relationship by making sure you send good quality nudes to your men.

hehehehe!!! Me either sipendi nudes

All fun and games until you break up and your pics are trending all over the place. :oops:

Niko na hizo nudes. Sema ng’wee!


Or, most fools do not know how to repair their own phone or laptop, wanapeleka Luthuli where it entertainsmen in an 8*8 booth all day before they start sharing.

Remember Davie Wa Inooro and the bride-to-be, now an Xvideos classic.

Beta male. Cunt relate

Kama Hauwes weka photographic effidens weka hii kwa category ya Hekaya ungoje medal ya UHOYA.

Disagreed. No nude piks from me. I will parade in all my gloraaaay for him but that is it. Keeping it sancrosanct.

You missed the point. Its not about you and whether you can or cannot send. Its about the man.

masweep nazo

I completely even miss what you are trying to say even more. But it’s cool just leave it.

If only you’d told me before I shared!

Crazy chica Nef, I read the other day me and you are one…hehehehehe. @nairobilay is classic at taking clueless me round and round in circles. I just lengad…sigh!


:D:D:D:D hun, going for a ride is all life is made for.

so strap on … or strap in … your pick