Leo kuna fisi imenichekesha

Makofi kwake…


the only fail kwa huyu fisi si kuweka screen saver ya dame…ni kutoficha wewe fisi dame kuona hiyo screen saver

I have lots of male friends and there has always been mutual respect between us…but pervs wouldn’t understand what that means.

What of cases where women make more than men?

That must have been @uwesmake

That must have been @uwesmake

They would still ask the dude to clear that bill…

Not really…your male friends are safety nets. thats a psychological thing. even dudes have chiqs who if they asked what they are doing with they really dnt knw but if by their mid 30s they have not found the one they will have a pity sex party and you get paged case closed.

Are you calling me a perv?

Spoiling for a duel as usual. Resentment is also a form of attraction.Better get to know each other.

You know what they say about the thin line between love and hate…
@Unicorn ,can i be your friend? Haki it will be “mutual”,promise.

They are all hoping to DF you some day.

No thanks.@Ka-Buda is a professional impregnator. He can make me his baby mama via diffusion.

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OK, sitamwaga ndaani…what do you say? You know you want to!
Sema ukweli @Unicorn ,you are single.Only single women have many male mutual friends. You cant be so naive to think that they dont wonder what it would be like to get between your legs?.. ama they are all gay?

you’re trippin’… GTFOH

that escalated quickly

Ouch!!! We need to talk in private:how do i be-friend someone on KTalk?
Your feistiness actually turns me on,makes me want you even more…GRRRRRR!!!

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You just made ma evening 

@Ka-Buda is the classic definition of fisi.