Life As An Addict Is Hell!

The second guy looks funnily cool and high,big up to him,way to go

Kimakia niaje

We are all addicted to something

Io mdomo inakaa ya OG Jones

Poa sana @poyoloko kwani uliwacha kuni admire tena na vile haukuwa unanipa amani

Na addict wa Ikuss?

I also take 3- 4 tuskers a day but purely for socialization or when am watching soccer/ rugby. I don’t remember the last time I was drunk so pia mimi sio mlevi

you already are an addict if you drink daily. If you can function without drinking then you are a functional alcoholic

Functional it is

Fentanyl is the new drug. Cheaper and more easily available. It’s like heroin but synthetic. I’ve read it’s originating from China and huge number of Americans are hooked. Talk about a chemical takeover.

There’s a deception about drugs and alcohol. I have related closely to alcoholics. Some life long alcoholics. Some highly functional alcoholics. Some in and out of rehab and the relapse cycle.

This is what I have concluded about alcohol. Alcohol is a drug. I think most people never see alcohol as a drug. They see it as a social lubricant with side effects. Essentially drinking alcohol is like going to a chemist with nice music and fun loving crowd and buying a drug. A mind altering substance. So this substance makes you lose self control, this is why it’s a social lubricant. If when you are in control and in your right mind you are shy, you will be outgoing, if you are depressed over some things, you won’t be after drinking. Now here comes the problem. You also lose control over how much you drink and the more you drink the more you lose control and judgement funny how people who drink think those who don’t are judgemental.

So the effects of alcohol are incremental. Say you have decided to have 3 beers. After beer 1 the resolve to have 3 decline, after beer 2 it declines further. And on and on. This is why I can have an accident bcz I was drunk but if I won’t stop drinking altogether the chances that I will get behind the wheel while inebriated again no matter my resolve not to, is high if I keep drinking. Because I am no longer in control of my senses when I drink. People delude themselves that they can stay in control under the influence. No. You can’t because it’s now the substance controlling you.

Essentially drugs open up humans to demonic possession. That’s what happens when you are no longer in control. This is why you will never do anything good when you are drunk. Only bad things. Majority murders and assaults are committed under the influence. Many times the perpetrator can not remember what they did. Imagine waking up in a cell, you’ve killed someone and you have no recollection. It happens all the time. You hallucinate and throw yourself off a building. You wake up in a hospital with broken bones, you don’t remember anything and you feel like you have been poisoned yet you just can’t stop drinking meaning you are not in control, if you were in control the instinct for self preservation would stop you . Some withdrawal symptoms include psychosis which is basically acting like you are possessed.

You are inviting Satan to inhabit your body through your mouth. If that can’t stop you from drinking. You done lost the battle a long time ago. You now need an exorcist.

Pls note none of these are Christians

pewa delmonte mbili kwa hiyo maneno. If someone who drinks gets to a point where he / she wants to stop and cannot stop then the addiction has reached a critical stage. alcohol addiction come gradually in a period of years. the addict always wants to stop but cannot. The dreadful feeling of withdrawal symptoms is horrible. That what makes the addict to go back to drink with the intention of just to cool off the symptoms (kutoa lock) only to bet back drunk than he expected. Hii ni ugonjwa na ni

Many people who end up addicted to Opiods start by rightly using strong pain meds like Oxycodon. Then they start using it for recreational purposes bcz the body got used to euphoria when they used opoids medicinally. So my point is that any and all mood altering substances including legit medications act on the reward center of the brain while suppressing the brain centers used to make sound decisions. These are the underdeveloped brain centers that cause Minors to not be charged as adults would when they commit crimes. Taking any mood altering substances interfere with the part of your brain that helps you make good decisions and delay gratification. Making you prone to further abuse the substance because your judgment is being incrementally compromised as you partake the substance. I saw a documentary that explains it very well. These substances do not just become bad when you abuse them. They are just bad in and of themselves. Even when you are using them for a good reason like to heal pain they have a potential to get out of hand bcz of the effects that they have on the brain.

Generally drinking even one glass of wine is a bad idea. It leeches vitamins and minerals from your body,kills your brain cells which are the only cells that do not regenerate, toxify your body,burden your liver and kidney, dehydrate you bcz it’s a diuretic, interfere with your REM sleep which is when the body repairs itself. I am advocating zero use of alcohol even for recreational or social drinkers.

pewa delmonte mbili kwa hiyo maneno. If someone who drinks gets to a point where he / she wants to stop and cannot stop then the addiction has reached a critical stage. alcohol addiction comes gradually in a period of years. the addict always wants to stop but cannot. The dreadful feeling of withdrawal symptoms is horrible. Thats what makes the addict to go back to drink with the intention of just to cool off the symptoms (kutoa lock) only to bet back more drunk than he expected. Hii ni ugonjwa na ni mbaya sana.

There is a chemical in our body known as serotonin or the happy chemical. It determines our moods and other functions. The low amount you have the more sad or low mood you have (linked to depression) the more you have the happier you become. Alcohol stimulates the production of more serotonin. Here is the catch. With addicts there is no limit for serotonin production unlike other social users. When an alcohol addict is drinking there is never enough. the serotonin is produced without a limit and thats why we pass out while our drinking buddies say they have had enough and will go home. Sisi walevi tutakunywa untill we pass out in the morning bar ikioshwa.

Without getting help an alcohol addict will drink to death. Either alcohol related illnesses, accidents, assault etc. Then again as @TrumanCapote has said there is a lapse and relapse where after treatment the addict goes back to drinking sometimes even more than before treatment. Some go back to drinking but being careful not to go back to the situation they were before. When thinking of the consequences they will be afraid, lakini pombe ni nini ikishakua tamu / kali then the recovering addict will forget about everything they went through only to regret the next day. Some will stop completely and never go back to drinking and die a natural sober death.Some can stay for even 20 years without drinking and still go back to drinking and when they do this they mostly die within a few years.

Addiction is no joke and its a disease that needs treatment. So when you see someone drinking heavily on a daily basis usiseme he/she is careless, the person doesnt like it, only needs help but doesnt know how or where to get it. The person wants to get out but is trapped on it.

I’ve read a book by Johann Hari on Addition

I am very interested in addiction because I have personally affected by it. I have lost a loved one who struggled with alcoholism since his teens, I also currently have an associate who had been to rehab and after a year he fell off the wagon. And went back to rehab and he’s out now. I have relatives who are highly functional alcoholics. One has been drugged severally been in accidents yet he won’t stop.

The issue of serotonin is actually very interesting because after a drinking spree, when your blood alcohol levels dip, your serotonin levels are so depleted that you can go into a kind of psychosis that can lead to homicide or suicide. Criminalogists say many murders are committed during withdrawal from alcohol or drugs. Coming down from a high basically.

Johann Hari in his book Chasing the scream says that addiction is a human response to the disconnected nature of modern society. He says that the social nature of man drives him to addiction when he lacks human connection. In another book of his Lost Connections he shows that humans are more disconnected than ever. From their work, families, God and they’re coping through addiction. The other side of it is that different people have different vulnerability to addiction. Some people use cocaine recreationaly for years and never get addicted. Some people get addicted the first time or first week. It’s also genetic. So if you have alcoholism in your family tree, you may become an addict faster and easier.

Very interesting. Where can i get that book? I have been affected too. Still struggling with it. Those who are glorifying alcohol dont really know whats coming, though some may or may not be addicted.

:D:D:D truer words have not been spoken.

You can torrent it. Go to pirate Bay and search for Johan Hari. You can get the audio book if you’re not a reader. Btw it’s not serotonin but dopamine that causes the alcohol feel good. Here’s a nice explanation about how alcohol affects the prefrontal cortex basically the part of the brain that helps you make sound decisions.

Here’s the guy.

Why the war on drugs can’t be won

:D:D:Dvery true

I know my limits