Man dies after masturbating 62 times straight on Valentine’s Day

maybe alishikwa na mtetee kama amenyonga abdala akajinyofoa kimakosa.

Githeri media at it again,who was counting those kids?

Maybe he used serviettes and the cops probably found 62 pieces used and assumed everything else

o_Ongoja who counted or how did they know that he did it 62 times nonstop? in other news i would love to hear the eulogy:D:D:D

“He took matters into his own hands”

Maybe they counted the number of soiled toilet paper bunches next to his bed

Okay, guys take note, the maximum is 61 times.

Sio kwa ubaya, where is the POLITICS in this???

Sio kwa ubaya, it is news. So imequalify kuwekwa kwa news & …

Ahsante!! Taughted :slight_smile:

maybe they counted the spoof loads and found 62 batches???:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

he recorded the whole ordeal