Marriage problems of modern women

Be careful what you wish for…

Most women begin having low self esteem as teenagers. There’s a book on this called Finding Ophelia. As children they have high self esteem like boys but from teens the reality of their being an underclass slowly begins to sink in. This may happen earlier if their mother is being mistreated by the father or if she’s been abandoned like divorced or single mother. The indoctrination that a woman’s primary value is in her looks and men’s approval and desire for her begins. When she gets to campus, men take advantage of that fragile self esteem to take advantage of the lady. Even sponsor mentality is actually women seeking fatherly love because FYI even girls from well off families are involved with older married wealthy men. If you have daddy issues it’s only an older man who can be that daddy that never spoilt you as a child. Sponyo will spoil you, give you attention, affirm you, validate you, make you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. If you don’t know women don’t have sex for sex sake like men do. To women is not an end in and of itself. Sex is a means to an end. That end is self esteem. Acceptance, approval, affection and validation. Women are not sluts like red peels teach, women are an underclass, with the attendant low self esteem and wreck less nature and deference to the upper classes that all underclass display. If you want to understand women’s psychology study black Americans, poor people, homosexuals and prostitutes. Especially black Americans.

The promiscuity in women with so called alpha males what red peels call cock carousel riding is actually women subconsciously trying to attain the status of an alpha male by association or by sex, if you can’t attain high status in society bcz you are poor or you are a woman,or you are black you can have the next best thing, be married or roll with white people, the wealthy or the alpha male. After several disappointing pump and dump, abortion and depression eventually women come to their senses that the fairytale brainwashing of how prince charming saved sleeping beauty, rapunzel, snow white, Cinderella and the other stories are just that a fairytale… In reality men need women more than women need them. But this being a patriarchal society women are brainwashed to gain a basic need like esteem from men. After a few decades on earth it dawns on some, that they’ve been scammed and they have a wake up call. Others however continue in the script. However they continue by either becoming serial single mother, serial divorcee or stay in abusive and unfulfilled marriage where they are a work mule for the man bcz their self esteem is pegged on their marital status in the eyes of society and deep down they believe that they are nothing without a husband/man, the men take full advantage, force them to take loans or they will leave, when these women are left, they lose their mind, get HBP, ulcers and depression . Some kill themselves and their children. When you do not have self esteem that is independent of external things or people that you can not control, you have nothing and you are nothing. Of course you are not nothing but that’s what you believe. A human being who believes that they are nothing without a, b, c, d or without so and so, loses the most primal human and even animal instinct, which is self preservation. That’s why women know they will get pg and or catch AIDS, HPV, HERPES, HERPETITIS and they still agree to dry fry to please men so that they can be loved and accepted by men. The same way black Americans know that selling drugs and joining gangs will get them killed or hard time in jail and they still join bcz they get a sense of belonging from gangs and respect from their black communities bcz they have money since the white society does not accept them and discriminates and oppresses them that’s why they can’t even report crime to police since it’s snitching and betrayal and will lead to rejection by their community for not being loyal.

I’m joking. Immobile men can’t cheat that’s why women marry men in jail. Inability to have sex is one less chore on the to do list plus no need for harmful birth control pills. On a light note.

Thank you for that… At least it is good for those who have daughters to know about this.