Marrying what guys loathe - Single moms.

I disagree. Let him give it a try.

Yaaa it is always a woman’s fault. We know that on KTalk but real life is different.

People disagree with a counter-argument.

si atleast you be reasonable for once

Nani amekufa…he needed to be shown the above kunguru before he impregnanted her


Pia sis we don’t like single daddies.


Good stuff.

The man may have been the prob. We do not know why they separated and in the world I am living in? I would marry a responsible single Mum rather than a slayqueen.

:D:D:D gameshot


The Ktalk village is not against marrying single mums, we expect you 5 years from now not to rush here with tears ati oooh bla bla…
just be very careful, single mothers are never in it for love.

Says a woman.

Do you discipline the kid? Ama mtoto ni wenyu mkilea lakini wake akikosea? This is usually the first major hurdle, because kids being kids will do what kids do, mess.

Kudos Mista, as a person responsible for creating a few singomathas unwittingly, some of the singomathas are single since their former relationship didn’t work, the parties involved were not mature enough or it just didn’t work between them. Iko sawa kabisa.

Don’t ruin a good healthy debate by injecting some stuff. I am heterosexual and cannot be seen touching anaaa woman in that way

@byro seems to have found happiness. Shindeni hapo. Many of my Ankos have married singo mathas who have made them v happy.

@byro listen to the fossil speak. Mhenga mwenyewe,
Kuishi kwingi kuona mengi

Nada to add. Byro’s friends and family accepted her. My hubby is the son of a singo matha and it was not by choice and he is vvvvv responsible and so is she. DO NOT TAR THEM with the same brush.
Ni hayo tuu.