MGTOW in the Kenyan Context

What makes you say that? I’m genuinely curious. Especially as a man, because I know women tend to have baby fever but where does that come in for men?

MGTOW, Redpill, and MRA are a natural consequence of feminism, if feminism (the female supremacist movement) didn’t exist MGTOW wouldn’t exist…

Kenya is an extension of the Anglo-Saxon countries, anything that is adopted in the U.S and the U.K finds its way to Kenya. We were among the first African countries to fully embrace feminism as demonstrated by the current breed of female professors in Kenya akina Njoki Ngumi and professionals kama akina Martha Karua.

Note that, I have no hatred towards feminists and their ilk. They are necessary in the African context as our culture is more feminized than that of our Western contemporaries… Our ancestors were the least masculine in history, they never conquered other tribes or sought to spread their culture to other lands… What I’m trying to say is that, feminism was easily accepted in Kenya due to our culture; or lack thereof.

Basi, MGTOW is here to stay as long as feminism has a foothold in Kenya


If she kills you it will still be till death do us part:D:D

am redpilled
am mgtow
no wife no kids no problem

men who marry that are red pilled are purplepilled

@Yung1 = @Mimi Huwa Namwaga Ndanii

The only way i am getting kids is via surrogacy. Kama sio acha ikae!

There are people who have hit a jackpot in betting, but majority are suffering. Go to pubs, to churches, and ask men to open up about their marriages… you will get almost the same story.