Mock exam Jitters

You’re the kind we used to refer to as dummy swingers…we had a guy who would even go to the dorm after preps anavaa pj even ingias bed only for him to go back to class at 1 hadi 4…F2 jam session hakosi…fucker got an A

That question was and is still valid…I remember that for KCSE there would be emergency papers incase of massive leakage. Mock papers that would give you a clue of what to expect were the ones done in Starehe and Bush

There are simply prisons for all practical purposes. That is where your kid goes to be shown how to be a slave.

Not as simple as you think. Esp. in rural areas.

It can be done in phases.
When people are imprisoned and isolated from society and kept under constant pressure they are bound to fuck anything that moves. Its only that they cant get at sheep and goats, they would do it. It is for the same reason parents will keep complaining that their children(girls) were forced fo fuck others with test tubes and boiling tubes.

And what is the reason that children must be kept from society. What is it that they are learning in there that is more important than knowing how to live real life?
It is for the same reason thousands turn up for recruitment of one. You cant expect people who have never known life outside authority and istruction on everything including what to wear to figure out anything by themselves. It is however, an advantage to the hegemony.


I get the gist of your argument. These kids have too much pressure. Optional weekend breaks can allow them to release some steam.

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No, they didn’t. It was just a misguided perception, I can state this from a first-hand point of view. Same for the belief that those students got KCSE “leakage”. The simple reason some schools constantly produce top KCSE performers is because these schools take up the best KCPE performers.

@vuja de kumbuka KCSE has been done since '89…so which year are you referring to that mocks hazikufanana na the actual exam?

I was in Bush and in my year the mocks didn’t even resemble that year’s KCSE. From my studies, neither did the rest of the mocks. People tend to focus too much on the mocks, and disregard the other factors deciding the KCSE outcome, like what I said above, and other minor factors such as the teaching strategies.

Buda it depends which year you cleared…