NASA boycott

Sasa when all these companies post a profit next quarter, won’t that be like losing another election?

Meanwhile Itumbi anapeana free airtime. Najua NRM wamekanyangwa hii[ATTACH=full]136443[/ATTACH]


I would dare a safaricom employee wear them on a Friday as a die-hard NRM supporter, I would then be living a lie that what is between my legs are not balls.

Tupewe list ya items to boycott…:D:D:D

this is pure tribalism by Nasa what if we boycott fish from kisumu


Tibim Tialala…hawa watu wako na jokes


Just heard a whisper! A group of lawyers have been assembled. They will sue, not nasa, but each one of those rebels for sabotage! I think it’s genius to go for personalities, rather than for a broke nonentity!


Wherever they go VAT 16% lazima, going to a jubilee ran government…

:D:D:D a bunch of twats. the resistance is a nonstarter to say the least

When gods want to punish a person, they first make him mad SIZE=1[/SIZE]


90+5 own goal

Majority shareholder of safcon is UK right? Halafu unachokoza interests?? Visa ban loading…

And this time it’s for real

uliskia BABA asipoenda UK atakufa , wacha kufukiria kama kuku king tie


My day made.

someone please publish the companies associated with the BRA. i don’t want to fund militants even indirectly. meanwhile, my new favarable goods are from brookside , Bidco and safaricom. B

They are now selling boycott t-shirts :D:D:D:D:D:D

Pesa ya kulipa the lord of corruption lazima itafutwe.

naswa supporters are so gullible they will still buy or send cash that pays wanjigi and complain about Anglo leasing.