Ooliskia wapi?

Hear you…:D:D

which part is stupid?

What I find stupid is fuataring a man or woman who is not responding to you. And insisting that he/she does… na saa hio hakusomi:D

I respond to comments…any comment that catches my attention…didn’t know that was taboo… and by the way I had no idea that @spear had blocked me(I [SIZE=1]feel like sobbing[/SIZE])…how did you know? actually I had no idea that any talker had blocked me. I respond to comments not individuals…once you post a comment out here be it in business section or politics or even motoring I will respond as long as that comment is visible to me and gets my attention…and that’s how I treat all posts…hata makena i think mimi humjibu…or has she also blocked me also? you seem to be able to tell who has blocked who. And can I be free to interact with all talkers without being monitored…or do you have someone else who you think I shouldn’t be responding to? I squabble with many here, ordinary ktalk beef between strangers, but at no point has a 3rd party intervened and tried to restrain me so let me be.

Weeeeh sijui nicheke:D:D:D:D:D