organic farming

So far the organization I know they don’t, they act like KEBS but ya agriculture their work is to entirely ensure no chemicals are used on crops

Which kind of chemical? First when a hen deficates the manure is first allowed to decompose that Is to allow the microbes are allowed to act on it so that they generate the C:N ratio that will be used by microbes which in turn grow and excrete to produce other nutrients hence when applied to the crops it’s not harmful

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Which kind of chemical? First when a hen deficates the manure is first allowed to decompose that Is to allow the microbes are allowed to act on it so that they generate the C:N ratio that will be used by microbes which in turn grow and excrete to produce other nutrients hence when applied to the crops it’s not harmful, so the chemical won’t be there at time of application but it might be in the body of the hen, hence it’s not fit for human consumption. Thou it depends which chemical it is

Just like @Deorro hapa mi na float, sishikanishi any