Organised smart and financially stable man

Excuse me I didn’t know it’s a homosexual caucus meeting. Excuse me again, I’m out

Enjoy being cucked and oneitis in peace, bye!

Spot on…this in reverse is true for women as well. Regardless of gender, no one should point fingers at this day and age to people who just don’t want to settle for less or settle at all. Just let people live their lives and settle down whenever they want to.

reads like a mum’s boy. not what women want. you forgot to say he is the choirmaster/member and will marry the reformed randy girl when she troops back to the church. women lie a mysterious and outgoing man

You don’t get the point. Te point is y should I be asked often by people, hii pesa unakulanga peke yako, wewe si straight forward, nigekua wewe Nigekua na bibi Na watoto. Y should they tell me that even if am a mama’s boy