Pocking a few holes into John Allan Namu's story.

Hata hizo vitu sijui pia. But I can’t trust a person who can’t spell poking correctly, and quotes Alai as a reliable source

@patco = Jeff Koinange

agreed. ama hii noogle ingine wanashidanga wakilambana inajiita xtian ndela (sp)

Ukienda online saa hii uangalie Standard si hata afadhali Alai ama Ghafla mara elfu moja.

Have you gone through some of the spelling mistakes in so called mainstream media nowadays? Wacha hii yangu moja.

Hata hawangojei story iive dakika mbili they bombard the net with nonsense. Those are what you are calling reliable sources?

Isn’t that why some fellows here coined the term githeri media?

People who own Nairobian and Nairobi News na sijui gani ingine?

Standard was updating the Monica Kimani saga every few minutes with all manner of rumours.

Then after a local blogger brings his story to light they often grab it and own it.

First the guy he called Kabuga is a good friend of mine he is called Ngera. He is a contractor he was in my office yesterday at a round noon asking about new contracts n jobs. I will take is picture and post it here just to show that Namu and Moha do alot of shoddy work. Btw Ngera was paid by NTV after that exposee, he build a good hotel and bought a subaru to boot. But the anguish they caused to the old man was too much, guy was being followed but he didnt knew by who, always looking behind your shoulder so that a guy can make a lie story. His 3 children were affected also all working in big companies in Nairobi. So for Namu and Moha take their story with a pinch of salt BUT about this piece i think the biggest victory is these South Sudanese Elite have come out in media, shown they live in Kenya and well protected here. Fighting in SS is in biblical proportion so the guy did his part, in your part what are you doing about the SS war if non then when people who do something about that war say something you have no moral authority to question their credibility until proven otherwise.

umetoa point leo kaka bila kutaja malaya saf sana

Patco =Luong Malong jr


I know that Calvin ogalo a former cop and an adherent s.d.a worshipper.

First of all, plenty of South Sudanese speak like Ugandans.
2.The Azande, South Sudan’s third largest ethnic group are Bantus and they look lighter than their nilotic counterparts.


wacha niwatch hii profiteers nione what the hullabaloo about

Lol it’s a lameass documentary.

You’re right. Don’t worry if bird brains don’t agree with you. This documentary was for them. I saw it myself, after part 1 cliffhanger I thought he was going to go on about why Monica died (Remember I made a thread about it?). Then he starts going about logging in Uganda. Loool like wtf.

South Sudan is just Africa before 2000. A newly independent country with no experience in running a country. Give them 30 yrs to calm down