Politician Steve Mbogo and his wife Sabrina Jamal have sued blogger Cyprian Nyakundi over defamatory publication.

Pia kuma tapewa free ama vipi

Kama Nyacoondi aka @Meria Mata alisurvive kusuiwa na Wa-ikulu na Grand Mulla…Mboko labda aende na Reke Njuke Squod

The problem with being an asshole with nothing good to say about anyone is that someone with a past grudge might be lurking until an opportune time to hit you For example someone you bullied in the past could take advantage of the current tiff to hurt you…or worse crush your gonads.

Kenya is a country full of glory hunters

Vipi gathee?

Gathee ni wewe:)

Mbisha na digits za velma

How do you defame a clown?

How does one defame Steve Mbogo? The guy embarrasses himself with every stupid antic he engages in.