Returning the hand. Prepare for a Raila presidency.

Irrespective of formalities, sources can be verified. Single sourced information is known as gossip.

Ruto can go to hell after prison ! …NOT… statehouse !

uncle william liwe liwalo

Ruto can go to hell after prison ! …NOT… statehouse !

True, it may be hearsay. But when you take the situation at the time as a whole, its very plausible that it happened.

Its just like we cant say for sure that Hitler ordered the holocaust. There has never been a document at the time that shows that he did. But if you take into account the situation in Nazi Germany at the time, its very plausible to say that he did.

Lets look at Kenya’s situation at the time and see how it is very plausible that Odinga could have turned them down:

  1. The British did not want Kenyatta at first, calling him a “Leader onto Darkness and death”. This is known and they were more comfortable with an Odinga presidency. If this is the case, its very plausible that they would have attempted to offer Odinga the presidency
  2. Its also plausible that given Odinga was the second most popular politician after Kenyatta, he was the only viable alternative at the time.
  3. Lets also not forget that the British had jailed Kenyatta as a maumau insurgent for close to a decade.

Now, just like in Hitler’s case, we could argue that its hearsay but given the circumstances of the time, its very plausible

Unless river Nile is renamed Chania river.

Your argument is cogent but based on falsehoods.

  1. there IS evidence that Hitler ordered the extermination of Jews, some of it on b/w video.
  2. Jaramogi was NOT the second most popular leader! He led the second most unified group of people but not necessarily against colonial rule.
  3. Given the dynamics of the time, the British were ceding their rule reluctantly. It would have been to their benefit if the incoming govt have pre-existing fissures. Given Jaramogi’s socialist leaning, why not pit him against the fiercely pro-democracy Kenyatta? This would ensure that the entire country wouldn’t lynch the colonialists.

Some of this is obviously conjecture since the British succeeded in cracking the incoming govt before it assumed office but if you carefully peruse the govt archives, you’ll notice a purposeful intent to have a weak incoming “independent” govt.

Circling back, there’s no independent evidence to support the aforementioned claim.

mku sijui unatumianga nini. Kwa ufupi jua hakunanga mkikuyu mjinga pahali pa pesa, na akishika hawachi.

Let’s say, Jaramogi accepted. Would the Mau Mau and the Mt. Kenya region accepted Him ?
I see a situation where The young Nation would have sunk into turmoil.

…and taken down the colonialists with it too.

Ruto is the man!

if uhuru wanted to help raila to become president he should have served one term and support 2017

Kenyans have not forgotten “the moi project”,any deal under the table is zero,stale,waste ! Ngoja tusikie the court case .

Very true, Jaramogi would have not stolen like Kenyatta but would have fucked us up.

This thing of Hustler vs Dynasty is a very sweet recipe for destroying the class system, the problem is the Leader of Hustlers is a thug… back to square 1

aliiba za luo thrift nini ingezuia aibe hizo zingine?

ha ha my point is “Like Kenyatta”, kenyatta went to extreme levels bana

The dynasties are also thugs

Chapter 6 will answer our players

So utapigia yeye kura despite kujua jamaa ni mwizi na grabber numero 1.Sijasema na Support Raila pia