Rooting Nokia 3

Pure android does not mean that a device is rooted. Ama you dont know what root means?

What does rooting achieve for a device in your opinion? I think pure android in some sense achieves that.Rooting enable you to do two things.

  1. Install software that in a normal circumstance it will be impossible to install. (Pure android achieves this).

  2. Access source codes and modify software(s) (not available in pure android)

Whether to root or not root is a whole conversation on its own. I’m of the opinion that you do not need to root a pure android phone. You are entitled to your own opinion just as I’m entitled to mine.

Magisk is my preferred method

Magisk Universal :
SuperSu is working only on 8.0 Not on 8.1

Kijana you have a lot of learning to do. Don’t just throw around buzz words thinking they make you sound intelligent when you are just making a fool out of yourself

Show him how to root his Nokia when it has no bootloader unlock method

@Prowriters14 please read the following till you understand. Next time usipayuke tena

Since android is made from linux kernel so what is a kernel

Linux kernel and how it works

Root in linux

I refuse to buy your idea and speak decently next time… I have internet if i needed links.

I have owned android since the Gingerbread days and have been rooting and flashing custom ROMs since then. I know what am talking about. From your replies clearly, you don’t understand what rooting is nor do you understand how android works.