safaricom 4G sim

Tuelimishe kabisa

Got mine yesterday but had to endure a long queue. took me an hour, a whole fu***** hour and I paid 50 Bob. the experience with the line is good.

Hebu tuelimishe

Ni app kama hii you block apps that you dont want to guzzle your data in the backgroundā€¦hii natumia inaitwa no Root firewall[ATTACH=full]89933[/ATTACH]

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4G is not everywhere, therefore useless in my eyes if its not constantā€¦some ares are still catching up on 3g even as we speak!

hakuna haja ya firewall just use the data saver feature on nougatā€¦( sijui if iko kwa marshmallow ) it can lasts a whole night when data is on and not use itā€¦

few here wako na Nougat ama marshmallow. 85% donā€™t even care about OS as long as their normal apps function



4G also drains your battery sana

Only if Network iko erratic