So bats also want to live in cities

Batman amehamia Mombasa Easter

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Ukipita hapo nje ya Nyati house kindu 6am utashtuka.

Niaje purple, Easter inakupeleka aje? Inakaa uko chiroptophobic kwa hivo ata panyaste ukiona utaruka sana(very enticing scene). Pale Cameroon hio ni nyama.

People are complaining about the stains left behind by their excretion. Snakes are on their own level considering they are cold blooded makes them very dangerous.

Some Africans believe that is the case. However, foreign tourists are excited to see them.

Yes, in Cameroon they hunt and eat them but I think its a different species.

Do they live in castles and suck bluud lol…

Yes they’re vampire bats which are the bats behind the legends of Dracula and such… But they’re myths.

Open your mind sir and stop living solely in a world of fiction. A simple google would have opened you to a world you don’t seem to know. While at it also google hematophagy.

I was being sarcastic. Yes, I know about a species of bat that solely relies on blood sucking.

These types of bats like I was saying are the origination of the vampiric myths of the Victorian era.

that was a fail. have a good day.