TRP is legit. Not about some relationship BS. Its about how we as men should handle our relations with women. We have to be better. In all sections of our lives…

why do you comment then? It mustve hit home somehow cultist

Lemme show you what is legit, atleast if you’re going to use and abuse and manipulate women, make money from it by becoming a pimp, not some random aimless womanising thats only going to get you AIDs

Using women? Yes I do, thanks. Manipulate is the MO. Besides what good is a woman if you cant make her do your whims. I just think that you have got the gist of TRP wrong. Its more than just a trick used by men. Its a lifestyle

Women manipulate men all the time… This is accepted in society and supported by all judicial systems (except for Sharia)… Look at the recent discovery on paternity results from the Moi girls fire, only four of the eight girls were the biological daughters of their fathers… Paternity Fraud right there.
So tell me… Why can’t we, as men, return the favor…


Gentlemen…what is the first rule of fight club?:smiley: