"Solar Bus"

Stop ducking under the table. If you had meant that you would have said it earlier on. Its irritating having to go fish for information and pics to just make you do a little research.

[SIZE=6]How NRA-NRM duped the West[/SIZE]

By Timothy Kalyegira

Posted Saturday, January 30 2016 at 23:00


Europeans and other Whites, although very well-read people, can also be as naïve as nine-year-old children.

They understand the most advanced theories in astrophysics, medicine, computing, technology and law but often cannot fathom parts of the world that would be termed “primitive” such as Black Africa.

The NRM and its leader President Museveni skilfully manipulated this naivety and exploited the gullible Western press and diplomatic corps to the maximum.

Skulls of the dead, supposedly of innocent civilians killed by the Milton Obote and Tito Okello armies were piled up and shown to horrified Western diplomats and journalists.

Imagine the typical Scandinavian or North American diplomat or reporter, completely traumatised by the sight of skulls and bones, speechless, unable to know how to begin to make sense of this. That diplomat or journalist is told that these people were killed by “Obote’s soldiers”.

What does he do, especially when he is told that as all this was going on, the West turned a blind eye and continued to fund Obote’s government and the British train the UNLA, “Obote’s army”?

Paralysed by guilt, traumatised by the harrowing experience, Western diplomats started to make amends by writing reports to their home countries on how the “disciplined” NRA had stopped this barbarity and started Uganda on a new path.

The second part of this well-conceived deception followed with economic figures. The NRM government could do no wrong. Every year was one of growth, impressive growth after impressive growth.

Never once was there talk of a single financial quarter of recession. No, these were economies whose graph always curved upward. More sophisticated and much more productive major economies in Asia, North and America and Europe from time to time slip into recession.

Not these economies of Uganda and Rwanda. Theirs was always one way: up and up, year on year.
This formula – stimulate Western guilt and take advantage of their naïve minds – was brilliantly replicated in Rwanda after 1994 with the exact same results.

Only much, much later, after TV and newspaper images of police and army brutality carried out in broad daylight on the streets of Kampala or Opposition activists and journalists in Rwanda fleeing into exile, did a new generation of more sceptical and less guilt-ridden European and American journalists and diplomats really start to question these two regimes of “liberators”.

Western diplomats who visit upcountry Uganda are exposed to the grim levels of poverty and underdevelopment after a supposed three decades of steady progress.

Without the continual aid programmes from the West to support Uganda’s education, health and from the Chinese to overhaul the roads and other public works, the true incompetence of the NRM would be laid bare.

But none of this mattered to the NRM government. It had achieved what it set out to achieve: fight to get state power, it got state power, and decided to use any and all means to hold on to it.

Facebook: Kampala Expres

Good on you.Now you are thinking.I have once or twice followed a solar car powered annual race in Australia.One thing that I noticed is that those solar ‘cars’ are more like tricylces,made soo light as to save weight etc with huge batteries.This bus carrying all weight is supposedly powered by a solar battery?? And those solar panels on the bus roof are enough to power that bus??? Don’t be so gullible!!!https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/28/Solar_Car_Tokai_Challenger.JPG/1024px-Solar_Car_Tokai_Challenger.JPG

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These are the crowds Besigye is pulling in Museveni’s backyard of Mbarara…Don’t be gullible.

They’ve perpetrated a fraud on you and you think its a good idea??

Museveni is Snowball and Besigye is Napoleone

I took all that with a pinch of salt…also had my doubts