Solar panel na wind power for domestic use:

Sawa . Your humbleness goes along way. Wacha tufundishwe pia leo

Check that out, they have solar pv inverter combo.

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I guess so much is involved depending on the load of your house . I don’t want to use it just for lighting . Hata fridge . So it can’t be simple per se

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Asante elder . I knew I would count on you . Sawa nitarudisha majibu soon. After elections nitarudi kwako unieleze how and where to get a similar toy like the one you imported . I’ll inbox you though . Thanks again

Who was your provider so that I blacklist them .tusaidiane

Is it reliable ,and who installed it though

Who sold you the panels

Keep them coming .thanks doc

You are a genius .

You are a genius . Where can I get those batteries from and the inverter ? You solved a quater of my problem BTW

Thank you

yes its very reliable,it was installed by a local wiring guy

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How can I get in touch

Bought mine from Davis and Shirtliff then a local wiring guy did the rest.

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wacha nikutafutia number yake

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The panel is very good. Got directly from japan through a friend who was there. Issue ni batteries. have tried Chrolide Solar but hazifanyi poa. Maximum service is for a few months then thing chapas.

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Rusha inbox

dry cell aka maintainance free is the way to go, initially walitumia chloride pia ikachapa in 6 months

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@uncle nyam This is your forte.


To be honest I wish ktalk would have reasonable conversations like this, sio kila siku RWNBP, OHURU one time president, :slight_smile:
@introvert nimepata majibu mengi. I have deeper understanding now

Nimefika Daktari.
First of all Wind power for domestic use not a viable idea unless the load is quantified.
Secondly,Go for solar if its for domestic.
The best companies i dealt with were chloride exide and Davis & Shirtliff.
Wind turbine will cost you during the initial installation and its also dependent on several factors.
Confirm to us you location then i will give more info on viability of the same.