south sudan untouchables...

maswali ingine haitakiwa muulize huyo jamaa,yeye ame specialize na kunimwagia unga

we we, kama iliiva nirushie zangu nijiwekee priss

Naomba kas ya caretaker mapema mapema.

ei bana, these deals are a process. I just took the letter of intent from Kemboi today afternoon.


Key word ''Caretaker " :D:D:D lol nimeenda. Best of luck btw.

Akiiba pesa sudan ajenge Kenya, I can tolerate, but wale wanaiba Kenya wanatupa pesa mauritius should be lined up and shot. Use your thieving talent to build our motherland. Go out there, pora hao wasudi na waganda na wakongo kabbissa, leta pesa 254. Morals tutapima kilo siku ingine.

Zinaoshewa hapa +254

Jamaa hana bahati, suti za black kwake ni camouflage :D:D:D

process? I thought it was a done deal. Am praying it goes through. Serikali saidia Niko mbaiya.
On a serious note though, can you get me a buyer for a piece of land in Maai Mahiu

It’s a short process yes, after the letters (offer letter and agent commission) letter are drafted,Tena napelekea the mzees lawyer and wait for my cut.
Inbox me the details.

only if you promise to wear what gave Kemboi a hard on
hio part ya it’s a short process imenifurahicha. Make it shorter

Stop derailing the thread now.:smiley:

hajui ni hio pesa ndio inatuma asiweze kununua nyumba ama shamba karibu na town juu bei ya hio shamba au nyumba ni abnormal. He is competing with Lual his age mate to buy same plot but Lual a billionaire thug is willing to pay twenty times more, and does pay twenty or a hundred times more.

I disagree… laundering money here will only drive inflation up…just look at his type of investments…only way our economy would have marginally benefitted is if he had gone into low cost houses…say 2bed units at 800k each…or set up some manufacturing industries…

Enda kwa facebook profile yake uone vile anachochwa. Yani jamaa ako arrogant na majivuno yet bishes wanamchocha how he is humble.:D:D:D:D:D Usicheze na slaybish akiona pesa.

All you have to do is measure the shape & size of the forehead, if too small & slopping then he is shaitan.

The same thing has happened in London due to money coming in from Russian, Asian and Middle Eastern tycoons.

haha… The guy claims to be illuminati and urges people to follow the light. He always posts his email. I smell a rat.

Alafu this particular brand of nigerian illuminati registers here:
Warning [COLOR=rgb(209, 72, 65)][SIZE=7]! join at your own peril[/SIZE]: