still on iebc

The elections law is very clear, Transmit the Tallyed results together with the scanned copy of the form 34 to the constituency tallying center and the national tallying center. Then form 34b is created using this forms. Upto Now, IEBC have not provided over 20k form 34A yet they have already issued form 34bs created from god knows where.


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IEBC has the hard copies of form 34Bs which were also given to all party agents at Bomas.
It is the 40,000+ Form 34As which are yet to be fully delivered.

Out of 40,000+ Form 34As, I’ve seen less than 10 with errors. And actually some of these errors if corrected would end up adding to Uhuru’s numbers.

Nobody said the election was perfect. But after one week of Nasa going through the forms, and they end up getting only 10 with mistakes, I must commend IEBC for an almost perfect job.

This is what we call clutching at straws ya ukweli. So desperate hadi now they’re photoshopping. They take a blank sheet and place it on top of a real 34A covering all the areas less the agents and the signature part. Then larry mudomo uploads it on twirra. same was done with the alleged letters from DoD. #TyrannyOfLies

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Kama Nyamahondo ama Nyamanyondo ametulia ata @muchunu atatulia…

Dont be worried by me…be worried of George Soros

Muchunu kai wa cunirwo ni ngoma,if they have all this evidence the supreme court is open ready and willing to listen to them,time is of he essence here,come friday you will be time barred!

That evidence is there…But there are other options to get justice not just in courts, this includes violence, sessation, going to un security council, millitary coup etc. Those decisions are with baboun

Of the 4 decisions, which ones would you adhere to?

violence is not my forte.But it took violence to remove british from kenya