Sweet, rememberable revenge


Tafuta karau umseti kwake, akishatoa doe, umlipe na uchukue zako

Although hii ni tricky

Fluency in English is not a measure of intelligence, you say - and then you go ahead and critique his use of the damn Queen’s English!?

Let it slide! Kuna watu huwa hawana shukrani. Huwezi waua wote. And grow a thick skin uache ufala. There are better pursuits - and revenge for such a petty thing is not one of them… siku ile utapeana ploti ama gari utafanya nini?

Nishakubali kaka

The problem is that you concentrated on point No 1 ONLY.

There were two other points in my response. My response must be looked at in it’s entirety.

court clerk unasumbua

You were a lawn keeper in which campus?

Kirubi wa maslayqueen hajaoa na alizaliwa @1824

Yaani umetuchapia hii story kwa KiKale mpaka KiKale yote ikaisha my fren!:D:D:D:D:D…Napennnnda…You just made my day brother:D:D…

Anyway, kanyagia hiyo story ya seeking for revenge. Lakini NEVER FORGET whatever lesson you learnt from the incident in question.

Aiih kirubi ni wa 1950’s

Mimi Saturday nimepoteza Nokia 8 yangu sahizi niko phone less

Uko na umama sana

Inorero or what was the name again??

Kuooteza simu tumepoteza lakini kula ile u know, what caused

am just wondering how you went through university and graduated with this kind of grammah

Title na hekaya hazipelekani. Hii ni gumbaru gani? Na Nani u sound like a fool.

What I want to know is how the porker turned your 150bob to 8k in one sitting. Io stori ya simu mezea.