Tatu City is silently coming up very well thanks to Tatu City Industrial Park

Ata uende wapi,uncontrolled dev. Huwa ivo.bado watajenga tu once they smell a demand for housing there.

Yap. Gitambaya is along Ruiru-Kamiti road. The same road that passes along Tatu city. Its like a suburb of Ruiru Town.

Former Rock City that was on Kiambu road.

Well maybe Tatu City is good for Nairobi and it’s environs after all if we look at this weeks news


Good news indeed.

It seems that Ruiru is slowly reclaiming its title as an industrial hub

Si unauza na kununua hacienda kinangop

hapa kuna wisi. I never trust any land investments that are hyped up in the media.

tatu city will be over shadowed by the Kenyatta’s city coming up at peponi