Teachers making kids dance to Tetema haven't listened to lyrics

those are seen as celebrities, nice suits, you will rarely see them in handcuffs, a battery of lawyers representing them, then they are released and they become governors. I think the dpp is doing a good job, and also trying to be open, but there is a risk of creating a celebrity cult/status for these guys especially if conviction is not accomplished.
I think they should be paraded after conviction, pictures of them in prisoners uniform.

no need to attack my reasoning, I am just bringing in a different perspective - is sex immoral, I mean even in most of our traditions, kids especially girls started on sex education from early on, from the grandmothers and other women family members, they were taught about the same.

My point is that, topics on sex should not be seen as immoral, because its one thing that most people will engage in at some point

:smiley: had not even seen it that way, one the swahili in this song is not common to most kenyans - I would opine that if that song is read as a shairi throughout the schools in kenya, most teachers/kids/parents would not even tie it to having sexual connotations.

Stick to your kenyan filth




Stop the finger-wagging.

Uza TV.

One… Two… Get a tako…
Three… Four… Get another tako.

I tell her to suck my dick

I let her go on top

Vulgar music has been there even in the 70s…

We Kamu na Manyake are now being seen as clean music

Some of us understand it!

Lewd songs have been here since spoken language.

7 Songs From Your Grandpa's Day That Would Make Eminem Blush | Cracked.com

this is a more acceptable statement. but the key word is education. there is guidance in education.
in music videos … not so muc.

No problem with the topic of sex. The issue is how it is being presented in the videos meanwhile children wer we being taught how to be disciplined wifes and husband’s not to be reckless sex addicts.morality when it comes to sexual contact was always emphasised.

The meaning of the song is neither here nor there, it’s all comes down to your interpretation. But, a lot of these trash music/content needs to be banned. Music influences culture and culture influences society’s progress. Because of the content they’re exposed to, all Kenyan youngings think of is twerking and fucking, and sharing nudes, while other young fellas in progressive societies like Singapore and Sweden think of innovating and reversing climate change. It all comes down to the content they consume.
