Tell me the most idiotic thing you have done.


:DI see you, Mr icarus

:smiley: incidentally, we were motivated by the story of Daedalus and Icarus. Don’t know why we disregarded the melting wax portion of the story. We used strings to fasten the banana leaves on our arms and thought we had circumnavigated the issue

Did you try to flap your wings on your way down and did that have any effect ama you were like shaiiiit, I’ve made a huge mistake?

Flapped like twice and the “wings” came off. I was resigned to fate. Jioni my mother was battling two emotions, to feel pitty for me or to whack my ass for being stupid. Vile nilipona I was still whacked though

I once watched a documentary on ferns because the remote was across the room.

Alingoja upone ndo akuchape. :D:D:D:D She is a funny one though alikuwekea wanted for quite some time.

:D:D:D:DThis thread is weed itself

:D:D:D After watching an episode of Tom & Jerry I climbed a tree outside our house with two huge nylon shopping bags. I slipped one on either arm then jumped off. I thought they would act like a parachute & have me glide to our neighbor’s compound where her daughter was playing. Needless to say, I dropped like a rock and broke my right hand.

:D:D and those cartoons/stories never had disclaimers like WWF “Don’t try this at home”. I wonder if the producers could be sued for awakening latent stupidity

weed :D:D

I chips fungad a drugie and from aka local ‘trap house’, bought her drugs from a dangerous back street, got home, she got totally fucked up; really really high, turned into into a nymphomaniac and violently rode and scratched the hell out of me for hours and hours. Nyama kwa nyama. In my defence, I was super drunk, and she was really hot, her pumpum was warm and tight, lazima nigemwaga ndani ndani ndani kabisa!

He he he!
Looks like your bro was a pioneer agribusiness farmer!


Uko sure ?



:mad::(Daedarus and Icarus things:D:D:D:D:p

We tried using umbrellas ati ni parachute, unaanguka chini, unaacha mchoro:p:D:p

hehehe ziko and very strong hiyo stima ya gamepark fence haiezi kuua u:):slight_smile:

Spending the whole night reading for a cat that was due in the morning only to realise that i had been reading for the wrong unit when the lecturer issued us with the question papers…from that day I swore never to abscond class