Tesla Master Plan Deux

Whales also use sonar to communicate with other Whales over very very great distances

Hapo sijui.

Of course… Thats the principal means used by bats since they are blind, to navigate. [SIZE=4]cars are a means of navigation sawa? Sonar works in navigation by the user sending waves which when they bounce off objects ahead or around it they relay information about their shape, motion, distance and size. It’s highly accurate as bats easily avoid obstacles ahead and can catch tiny flying insects despite being blind by using sonar. Truly the creator is great
Hope umeelewa [/SIZE]

F self-driving!!! Give me a manual car with a turbo and F that self-driving shit!!

ati self-driving! did i not mention that people are becoming lazy?? They were given auto, and still want to do less.

self-driving can eat several bags of very small d***ks.!
FTesla!! and FGoogle! Fesla and Foogle!!!

Uongo, bats are not blind, they have just perfected echolocation since they hunt mostly at night, insects et al. Some guys also have that ability to echolocate, one was featured on Oprah some years back

Thank you for nothing. but technically you are blind in complete darkness