The day l was humiliated in the staff room


Professional hecklers na one-line essayists wasikubabaishe. Your hekayas are valued here.

asante @Nattydread

Pale St Andrews Turi hamkuchapana na chewed papers?

High school was fun. It was a time you could commit serious crimes with little or no consequence.

Even this is masaibu ya this boychild bullshit? This whinging hia is making some of us cringe. What happened to the real men? ooooo boychild…pass the sick bucket pls.

Next time TLS nitumie the Kyuk draft, unatuangusha sana sisi watu wa off Limuru Rd. I can do better than you and I was nowhere near that school. The only thing I need to practice is the ‘tukufias’. Having said you always capture the egos of rural primary school teachers v well.My Mum was one and each time we dropped by to see or pick something from her…she would send some kids in her class to the shops to get us sodas. I cringe at the thought right now.