The raping of Africa continues

Africa is a cheap whore who spreads her legs for anyone who throws money her way. This is different from rape. This “Africa is being exploited” narrative is quite annoying, honestly speaking. What is she doing while getting taken advantage of? And why has she never learnt from her mistakes?
If I am a businessman (China, USA, Whoever) and I come to do business with you (Africa), I will try my best to get the sweetest deal for myself. I don’t give a shit about you or your 17 children. If your 93 grandchildren die of hunger, will that stop me from enjoying my dog ribs (if I am Chinese)? It is up to you to negotiate a good deal for yourself. We talk about Africa having all this immense wealth, what good is it without value addition? Why is it that a cup of coffee at starbucks costs more than a kilogramme of coffee berries in Africa? Have you ever seen an unpolished diamond? It’s nothing to write home about. If you gave it to a girl, she’d probably spit in your face for insulting her. But polish that motherfucker and all of a sudden a tiny piece goes for thousands of dollars.
Only stupid and retarded people get taken advantage of.

And the funny thing is that his grave will one day be excavated by thieves and that casket will be stolen. This idiot has forgot he lived in a country full of Oga shiny eyes.

True @Ruffneck i totally agree.
@FieldMarshal CouchP I didn’t intend to say they ask for entitlement no. Please go read about how billionaires were created in Nigeria during Sani Abachas time and you will understand why a dead man would be entitled to buried in a golden coffin.

No one should be depending on entitlement. You got my point terribly wrong. When you look at these deals associated with oils and other resources in africa something stinks underneath .

Let’s not go far, turkana. These guys have been ravaged by year in year out of poverty. Then a miracle happens one day, they find oil and water that can sustain the whole of Kenya for next 20 yrs non stop, now because they have it,some school of wealthy idiots believe they should have it instead of they ‘turkanas’ having it. It’s they the ‘wealthy class’ ENTITLEMENT to have it. This is what I meant idiot.

Let me school you abit:they purchase land with oils deposits at a throw away price through back door deals through ministry of land (I know someone prominent in NASA whom his lawfirm was part of this initial stinking deal), next they suppress the share of the much the turkana were to get from 10% to 5% then one day it will be 1%,finally they sign multinational contracts with oil companies to be paying them 100m every month to erect drills in their plots. Then they go live abroad in homes bought by those multinational companies to hide tracking their money.


I honestly fail to understand how you cherish and respect Ill-gotten wealth by very few individuals in Kenya and blame it on people being lazy. I just don’t get it . How do you describe someone who 15 yrs ago was worth 5,000 then now as we speak he is worth 25,000,000,000 and still growing ?how does that happen in a non technology, non manufacturing country and proudly tell people it’s God who blessed you ? Yet your name is mentioned on any corrupt deals in kenya? How?how do you crown jewel such people @FieldMarshal CouchP to be hardworking ? I’ll excuse you if you are part of this politically correct wealthy class im talking about. :slight_smile:

@FieldMarshal CouchP believes such idiots should enjoy resting in peace in a golden casket. They will be more comfortable in this casket than me who will prefers my remains burnt.


Pharaohs were buried 1000s of years in blinged caskets, furniture and other jewelries, but most of those things were pillaged by robbers. Yet some rich Africans are too dim to learn from history and realize that those material things they are buried with will eventually end up with thieving strangers after they die.

:D. I’m a firm believer in fair play ground for everyone where everyone is encouraged to grow . This is where the whites beat us good . Such stinking deals you wouldn’t find them in Europe ,just africa

I read a lot . Go look for a book by Achwene Abe called Black gold of Nigeria. It was written in 1995. I don’t know how to quote such sources as a link hapa. Help me decipher

Senk you! ndagitare!..

Couldn’t have put it better. You only forgot to add that the people who complain the loudest do the littlest…

The world is one big playground. You either play & eat the sand like majority of the kids or build castles for those with self drive

it doesn’t matter the color of your skin, if you cannot see an opportunity & maximize it don’t blame the authority.

You haven’t answered me up there been waiting for last 4hrs

In the olden days, most Africans blamed evil spirits and witchcraft for their woes.

Then the Whiteman came and they started blaming Satan.

Then the White man left and they started blaming their corrupt leaders for their misery.

The African seems wired to pass the buck and never ever take responsibility.

No, getting 15 children is not to blame for his poverty, Jomo is.

No, bad driving is not to blame for the Soysambu ‘accident’, God/Satan is.

No, unsustainable pastoralism is not to blame for the food shortages in the arid north; Uhuru is.

No, we are not to blame for the one of the highest rates of HIV in the world. The gavament is.

No, we are not to blame for the blocked drains. Kidero is.

No, we are not to blame for typhoid and cholera, which can easily be avoided by washing hands. The gavament is.

I could put up a million examples.

You are ferked.

Something funny was that if you were a servant to pharaoh and he dies , all you servants had to be killed so that you can serve him in his life after death. To be honest sometimes I’m proud to be born in this generation where some of those practices are outdated. Which prompts to me ask why I’m I lucky ? Did those people choose to be born during those times ?

That book should be made mandatory reading for every aspiring presidential candidate and at every university !

Oh you poor geriatric, suffering from dementia… washing hands doesn’t prevent typhoid and cholera as these mainly water borne diseases:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Iko na documentary? Sipendi kusoma

