The Red Pill

Feminism is all about equality and zero responsibility.

it’s not a conspiracy. anyone who is anyone knows that the feminist victory mark is not equality. it may have started that way but it isn’t.
large number or not,if the feminist movement was genuine, believe me, they would compromise to make things work.
societies in Scandinavia have the highest female representation and equality stats. yet the truth is, there isn’t a single statistic that proves that the differences between men and women in those societies have a better understanding of each other. it is means there is but a tolerance.

You’re confusing equal outcomes with equal opportunity, YES I believe equal outcome of both genders is impossible and there will always be more female models than men and more male truck trivers than female ones

But equality of opportunity is different. It means that each and everyone of us should have the chance to development and to show their ability. This is something that we should strive for, otherwise a lot of human potential is wasted to poverty, conflict, lack of education And decriminalization on women, You never know where the next hardworking entrepreneur, famous artist or brilliant scientist might come from, and if our society doesn’t invest effort into bringing them to the surface, they will be lost.

Again I kindly ask for proof and how the majority of feminists are trying to secretly develop a matriarchy.

Better understanding of each other? What do you mean by that? As long their not fighting for dominance over the other it’s fine by me. And it’s funny that you mentioned Scandinavia one the most well developed places on the planet

Makena :D:D

Feminist say men enjoy a privileged position in life ,while in practice it’s women who enjoy such opportunities,from lower entry marks in highschool , university to job market,to scholarship,to dedicated financing by banks and insurance ,to dedicated political position yet they are the majority voters , differentiate theory and practice my fren ,but we redpillers know that feminist use plausible deniability when “crying” for equality but not equality of outcomes.

I will just leave this here as an half assed attempt to respond to your attempt to explain to us why feminism is so good up there:

According to feminists, Red Pill is misogynistic.

But in actual sense, Red Pill is simply male awareness of reality. It is a state, not an act. Feminists mistakenly view it as male sex retaliation to feminism.
(To a feminist any man that upon being attacked by a woman retaliates, is a misogynist.)

Red Pillers have an insecure hatred for “alpha males” and attempt to emulate them.

Red Pillers are not one homogeneous group of men, but they are all aware of the existence of alpha males. It appears some of them hate alpha males, and those ones do not attempt to emulate them. Those who admire them emulate them.

Red Pill encourages dangerous behavior, being selfish and unemphatic…

Again Red Pill is awareness of selfishness and lack of empathy surrounding men and taking necessary steps to protect and defend oneself against such.

Pickup advice is good advice

I agree

One big part of what feminism does for society is to try and achieve humanitarian pro-men, pro-women society.

Good. If that be the case, then let us abolish unfair feminist laws in the west.

PS: Feminists declared war on men and now they seem to be preparing themselves for a non-existent counter strike. What will most likely happen to a self-declared feminist is just being ignored/overlooked/neglected by men.