There was no hacking, says French firm.

Force a rerun and get the same result. And then infiltrate the system again and re-introduce irregularities? How many cycles?


Ngojeni kura mpigie yule mnapenda. Otherwise, this tale imechoka kushinda treads za coomer ya a Good Hope Hoe, because it has been overtaken by events.

Hope when the dust settles, someone will be charged with treason.

With benefit of hindsight, Iā€™m tempted to think that the insistence of the servers being opened was for an ulterior motiveā€¦to introduce the famous ā€œBabuon logarithmā€ into the system for use as proof later!


ā€œUlterior motive from aboveā€ā€¦Lingual cliche from 1970s Jomo Kenyatta era.

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For your information, it was the burden of the parties before the court to provide the proper judicial precedents for the judges to rely on in determining the case and not the judges to introduce their own. Even Prof. Githu Muigai in his amicus brief kept alluding to fidelity to the whole regime of laws touching on elections from voter registration, nominations, ballot printing, voting, tallying and finally declaration of results. Of interest was the issue of tallying where the absence of over 10,000 form 34As and the fate of almost half a million ballots for voter who voted for only the president or put it the other way, the origin of same number of ballots that found their way into the ballot boxes without an equal corresponding number of ballots for the other position which the IEBC never really got to give any coherent explanation at all. How then would IEBC declare final result having disenfranchised voters in over 10,000 polling stations.

So is IEBC missing 10000 form 34As?

Ninaona bado some of the entitled buttscratcher supporters bado haelewi algorithm ni nini :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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Oh, so now the goalposts change? You guys never give upā€¦



The issue was raised at the hearing of the petition, IEBC lawyers never addresses it despite there being numerous letters by NASA as part of their evidence requesting for the forms. Either IEBC or its lawyers were incompetent.

On this one we agree. When Macharia failed to ansswer this Standard Six civics question (Answer: You return the other five to the PO; OR You insert them into the ballot box unmarked; OR You mark them in a way that they are spoiled ballots) I really had problems with those lawyers.

And they never clearly elaborated that the alleged higher 500,000+ presidential votes differenece was a lie; the difference between the total presidential vote and that of all the women rep candidates is less than 70,000!


NASAā€™s contention was that the results were declared without the missing forms.

So then how are you in the brigade castigating the supreme court ruling?

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There is no change in goal posts, the motive for hacking is to compromise period.

Someone explain to me why the third respondent through his lawyer refused ballot scrutiny during the hearing of the case filled by NASA, also explain to me how IEBC who were open to ballot scrutiny reversed position to align with the 3rd respondent after the famous ngatia call to his client. How then again do his minions come here and propose ballot scrutiny that they refused ? what has changed ? did you fix the ballots with your numbers and aligned them with your fake form 34as ? No honor among thieves.


Honestly do we have time for such ?

Maraga stuck out his neck to delay jakuonā€™s destiny that he inherited from his father jaramogi.


Uko kwa thread ndani na unanuna. Ni nani alikufungulia?