Thinking Critically

Also, The Wire was the shit.

True but I thought we were talking about creation so…

wacha @Nefertities asome hiyo. Derail the thread kapsaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Quite a powerful argument there, sir! I like it!

That which was involving man He was using a fellow human, God is not a magacian, He is orderly thats why he uses just normal people to do extraordinary things… There was no need after resurrection to go all around the city bragging to people that He is alive. He appeared to the few people because most of us human beings it could be very difficult to believe he resurrected.



But if you want to convince the entire human race that you died and resurrected would you tell only your friends whom everybody will think you are in on the conspiracy or would you get an independent person to verify that you are indeed back from the dead?
And if God’s powers arent magic, what are they?

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It is only that you dont get the seriousness of the statement

Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away. So if it was not the truth even if it was his friends that he appeared to it would have faded away…

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I mean He appeared to the few people and did not turn to be a lie. Dont you believe that is more than u can percieve, few people witnessed but billions of people believe up to now… That is even more than a miracle

Indulge me for a minute…try to imagine a color not derived from the primary colors,how would it look like?I’m sure somewhere in the universe such a color exists but however hard I try I cant fathom it…now do the same and try to think like God…futility

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The fact that billions believe, just makes it a very good story…and isnt faith about believing despite what anyone else tells you? The fact that many people believe doesnt make it true. You think its true because you have faith (read belief) .
The problem with this argument of God vs science is that, even if scientists come up with inconclusive truth that the Big Bang Happened, then the religious masses will just say “Oh, the Big Bang happened because God let it happen and let things progress as they have.”

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I get that you are trying to say we cant think on a scale like that of God, but your initial statement is flawed. I cannot imagine something outside things i can comprehend. Its like asking a blind guy to picture the colour blue…or better yet describe the colour blue to a blind person.


What you dont understand is that, them(scientists) have come up with various theories(an idea that is suggested or presented as possibly true but that is not known or proven to be true) that yet have so many weaknesses… if you read the genesis story of creation you will see how things were chronologically arranged with a sense of order… if you read those theory the scientists try to urgue out you will see many things that are not adding up… That is why i said it requires more faith to believe in them than you require to believe in God

That is why they are called theories. You gather data , test and find results and if another person can take the same data and get the same results it stops being a theory and becomes a “law”. Genesis is completely out of order. God creates day and night on the first day, but doesnt create stars (of which our sun is one of) isnt created till day 4…
“a quick overview of the creation of life so far according to the bible. Plant life on the land (1) THEN sea life (2) and birds (3) THEN… land animals(4) and mankind (5)…the order… would be more accurately: Sea life (2) THEN plant life on the land (1) THEN land animals (4) THEN birds (3) THEN mankind (5).”
mind you that last quote is science based on carbon dating…
what you propose is we take a story written by someone, with no evidence to back it up and just believe it.


In genesis, initially there was just darkness, light was neede because later on Plants were to be created and they require light for photosynthesis, he then had water fist before creating fish… because when water and land were to be separated some wud have been left on the land and died. He created animals after plants because He knew the animals will require plants as a source of food. And created man last so as to find everything He needed was in place. The scientific theories do not clearly show how all things came into existence… Thats why they state that it happened billions and billions years ago because they know that if increase tym the probability of an occurrence happening in high.

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Prayer: God know what you want.

He just wants to hear you beg.

Do you understand how carbon dating works? because its an actual thing! They arent saying billions of years just so they can be aloof about it. Carbon dating gives you a timeline of how old the fossil is.
As for the light that was created first, exactly where was this light coming from for the plants to photosynthesize anything?..I agree that science doesnt answer everything, but at least it has a consistent timeline that is plausible. The creation theory is just a lot of magic from deity who got tired and literally took a day off! And I like how the concept of a 7 day week was created at the same time as well.
at this point Im convinced that you are trolling.