Third COVID Wave Will Kill Or Hospitalize 60 To 70% People Who Took Both The Vaccine Doses Says Official UK Govt Model

this is a classic example of double talk, they can’t have it both ways

Given your weight and gender alone, i would recommend you get vaccinated. Usiogope.

we pass shisha pipes among seven people each sato… seating room ya one of us… crammed. It is risky …mark you we dont use those plastic mouthpieces/filters

Pole sana. I had a nasty cough, which lingered for a week after the other symptoms had gone. I didn’t think it would go away soon, but surprisingly, it did. Not sure if it was my diet that helped.

The whole of last month I only fed on soups (with lots of ginger & garlic), fresh vegetable salads and fruits majorly. Nothing else could go down. Try a high Vitamin C diet and see if that helps.

I will. Many thanks.

Yaani, kuna watu wanadebate a minuscule article on a .wordpress site?

Of all places?
Fact checking is important.

This is a matter of life and death they are talking, so every word would be worth considering. Suppose there is a 2% chance that a plane will crash, will you board it? Same here, suppose there is a 2% chance this theorist is right, would you take it?

By the way, some of these big websites use their big names to spread bigger falsehoods

time will tell who really is the fool here

someone here said this is doublespeak, this is deliberately ambiguous language. , anyone with a half a brain can see right through it - you can’t have your cake and eat it
what they are saying is that the most vulnerable could have died anyway with or without the “vaccine” . so what was the point of vaccinating in the first place ?
In the years preceding covid as far back as you want, deaths caused by vaccines per year were always less than 30 , in 2021 alone so far 2917 dead - numbers never lie

Regardless of whether we have half brains or full brains, the clickbait rubbish you posted implied to 100% of the readers unfortunate enough to come across that misleading post that, vaccinated people are more at risk than those not vaccinated. You posted crap, kubali na ikiwezekana hata ung’oe.

Dr,Stormtrooper98 i presume :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:, what makes you think that you know more than the experts who published that article ?
why do you think everyone should have the same opinion as you ?
and if they hold a different opinion , they must be wrong and you are right
do you see a defect in your reasoning ?