This is the Al-Shabab who slashed up 11 people at Ohio State University yesterday

Makende Ya Mbwa Wewe
Leave Me Alone, Kumanyako

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Now are we going to cower from reality and ignore the facts, it’s clear that vain interpretation of their book is what’s behind this, let’s tell it like it is

Recall Zinedine Zidane? Wayne Rooney?

@kush yule mnono hebu njoo kiasi. Is Sunday a working day there?

Achana na mimi…

Atleast u have gotten the msg…

Using hate is not being brave. When have you heard smart world leaders condemn muslims? Have you ever asked yourself why even someone like Bush junior didn’t speak badly about muslims? I don’t know if you have read my post but remember that you are doing your work for them when you spew bigotry and hate on the internet. Trump is the best thing that has happened to Daesh. If he goes through with any of the shit he said just to appear strong he’ll just go on increasing applications to Daesh. You insulting a group of people as if they are of one mind is illogical. Viewing things as black and white, good vs evil will not solve anything. Always remember that any time you write hate on your facebook timeline or tweet something bigotted against muslims you are doing their work for them. They won’t need a social platform for them you are doing their work for them.

I am going to assume that you are willing to learn about how all this shit started and give you the benefit of the doubt. I you want to be woke read this:

Islam and politics

There wasn’t always a caliphate. There was a time Arabs muslims were the most enlightened society while christians fought and killed each other.

Israel and Palestine

Even before WW1 things were relatively peaceful compared to most of Europe. It was the British who messed shit up.

During the age of enlightenment Jews and Muslims were friends.–Jewish_relations#Middle_Ages

n the Iberian Peninsula, under Muslim rule, Jews were able to make great advances in mathematics, astronomy, philosophy, chemistry and philology.[33] This era is sometimes referred to as the Golden age of Jewish culture in the Iberian Peninsula.[34]

Traditionally Jews living in Muslim lands, known (along with Christians) as dhimmis, were allowed to practice their religion and to administor their internal affairs but subject to certain conditions.[35] They had to pay the jizya (a per capita tax imposed on free, adult non-Muslim males) to the Muslim government but were exempted from paying the zakat (a tax imposed on free, adult Muslim males).[35] Dhimmis were prohibited from bearing arms or giving testimony in most Muslim court cases, for there were many Sharia laws which did not apply to Dhimmis, who practicedHalakha.[36] A common misconception is that of the requirement of distinctive clothing, which is a law not taught by the Qur’an or hadith but allegedly invented by the Sunni in early medieval Baghdad.[37] Jews rarely faced martyrdom or exile, or forced compulsion to change their religion, and they were mostly free in their choice of residence and profession.[38] They did, however, have certain restrictions placed upon them, listed in the Pact of Umar. The Pact of Umar was a set of guidelines placed upon Jews in Islamic territories, many of them being very restrictive and prohibitive. However, compared to Jews of Western Christendom at the time, Jews under Islamic rule were generally treated with more compassion and understanding, rather than violence and abhorrence. [39] This period of relative tolerance, political advancement and cultural peacefulness is a time that is referred to as a golden age. [40] As Jews advanced the social ladder, they also gained economic status and power. Many Jews had their own businesses and were even ranking officials within the government. However, Jews still experienced tense and violent times - they were often discriminated against and, as a result, were often the recipient of many violent acts placed upon them. [41] The notable examples of massacre of Jews include the killing or forcible conversion of them by the rulers of the Almohad dynasty in Al-Andalus in the 12th century.[42][43] Notable examples of the cases where the choice of residence was taken away from them includes confining Jews to walled quarters (mellahs) in Morocco beginning from the 15th century and especially since the early 19th century.[44] Most conversions were voluntary and happened for various reasons. However, there were some forced conversions in the 12th century under the Almohad dynasty of North Africa and al-Andalus as well as in Persia.[42]

The rising antisemitism came from the foolish thing the British did in Israel by just giving them land without considering whether people were living there or not.

The mess in the middle east is political and may be cultural, it is not religious. Again the British had a hand in bringing down another sovereign state: Iran

The revolution was unusual for the surprise it created throughout the world:[24] it lacked many of the customary causes of revolution (defeat at war, a financial crisis, peasant rebellion, or disgruntled military),[25] occurred in a nation that was enjoying relative prosperity,[16][23] produced profound change at great speed,[26] was massively popular, resulted in the exile of many Iranians,[27] and replaced a pro-Western semi-absolute monarchy[16] with an anti-Western authoritarian theocracy[16][22][23][28][29]based on the concept of Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists (or velayat-e faqih). It was a relatively non-violent revolution, and helped to redefine the meaning and practice of modern revolutions (although there was violence in its aftermath)

If you read that article you’ll see that hate didn’t just erupt out of nowhere. Only a few zealots brought it. Only in confusion can they win. If Iran hadn’t been interfered with none of this shit would have gone on in Iran. Why do you think that Obama wants an Iran trade deal? It certainly isn’t because he’s a secret Kenyan Communist Muslim who wants to take people’s freedom. With a good economy you get people who have something to live for instead of something to die for.

To defeat extremists you can’t fight them head on. From many battles Sun-Tzu learnt that battles are won in the mind not on the battlefield. Remove the factors that cause people to be ignorant and hateful you win. Daesh are guerilla fighters and outright displays of force or hate won’t beat them. Take time and realize that their leaders are smart. They want to win a war on a different battlefield and so far they are winning.

If this guys hate american or western way of life, why not stay back in their country. instead this guys immigrate to those countries then start killing innocent civilians!

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Starting from Ogaden in Ethiopia, NE province in Kenya, Djibouti and the Somalia we know today. The only stable area is where they are under more level headed people like Ethiopians and Kenyans. Even in US they are a pain to authority it is well known.

Call me what you will but my interaction with THESE people has led me to think they have a tendency or are predisposed to violence and disorder. We have a good ambassador of them here.

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@kah tony wacha hizo. Sikuchagua kugonjeka

Yet Arabs treat their fellow black muslims like shit but Africans are always ready to defend them in the name of Islam.


Umesoma kitu chochote nimeandika hapo juu ama you just skimmed it because you just had to generalize about a whole group of people? The same can be said of white christians.

You posted how enlightened these muslims were at a time they raided african villages for slaves. I’m filling in gaps in history you have omitted. I have lived abroad as a Christian and have not faced any open discrimination yet my west african Muslim friends tell me stories of how the are segregated in the mosque and how they went through hell traveling in North Africa to head to Europe. This isn’t something I have to Google like you because I have been given first hand accounts. I am not anti-Islam but I am against the mentality Arabs have ingrained in Islam.

You want to tell me that colonization was not done by white christians? You want to tell me that christians in America did not use the story of Ham the son of Noah to justify slavery? That even right now in USA there aren’t racists christians like Westboro Baptist Church. Are you going to say that there aren’t many examples of history where the Bible wasn’t used to justify a oppression against groups of people who were deemed to be different. Do you not remember that even christians fought among themselves ? Catholics led by Queen Mary and protestants by Elizabeth. Yes Arabs have their dark history but christians do too. What I’m saying is that the way you think about people is wrong.
May be you just haven’t encountered Christians who are racists because you haven’t gone to places where they are.In social sciences personal anecdotes like yours mean nothing. There was a time Arabs contributed a lot of knowledge when christians were groping in the dark believing in superstitions burning women for being witches and causing suffering for many. No religion is without darkness.

You also forget that Arabs brought a lot of wealth to African states. The Africans sold other Africans to slavery. It wasn’t like they went hunting for them. And European Christians also sold slaves in the Atlantic Slave Trade. Don’t demonize one group if you won’t demonize another.

Mimi sitakuita jina lolote but :
The criminal stereotype of African Americans in the United States is an ethnic stereotype according to which African American males are stereotyped to be criminal and dangerous.[1][2] The figure of the African-American man as criminal has appeared frequently in American popular culture[3][4][5] and it has been associated with racial profiling by law enforcement

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I aknowlege the evil past of both religions but the flaw in your logic is that I am speaking of the present. In 2016 you won’t hear of Baptists killing Catholics but Sunni vs Shia is still prevalent. The cruel treatment of immigrants under Islamic nations happens in 2016. Discrimination in mosques still happens in 2016. My question to you is do you think Islam has evolved in the same manner as Christianity? I believe it is alienating itself from the modern world by encouraging archaic mentalities which includes violence.

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The flaw in your logic is that you think that Christians evolved because of their ideology and not because of other socio-political factors. Why do you want to forget the past?If we were to tally up evils committed by both religions we would find that christians have more. Right now Christians are more accepting of people but just a slight change in the political scene where racists like Trump and uber-nationalists in Germany take the reins and we could go back to pre world war one days. Socio-political movements contributed to the evolution of christians not their own ideology.

To make my point clear answer me this why is it that in a country that is majority christian that we still have such bigotted views against certain groups? Why is it that we kill each other even though we are christians, why do we treat women poorly and then go to the same church as them on Sunday, why is it that we follow a man who accepted all people regardless of race yet we are even having a discussion with you exposing how much hate you have for a race of people? Did the man who you talk about on Sunday say love thy enemy? Are we then, less christians than those who live in countries with less racism, less ethnic killings and less sexist? What do you attribute to all this hate in our ,82.6% christian, country? The last part is not a rhetorical question, I’d like an answer

Can you imagine what would happen if a christian went to a Saudi arabian university and was demanding a prayer room and if denied he attacks muslims?:eek::eek:
where does he get this overwhelming sense of entitlement?:rolleyes::rolleyes: