This thing RELIGION

Then explains the reason why you walk alone… purity in seclusion?

If you could give a straight answer this time, I would be satisfied

Hold on to what you believe, you got to believe in something brother. Even for those who say their is no God, their belief lies in disapproving His existence.

There’s always that thrill to find someone who shares with you in the same uncommon beliefs. The happiness in finding where your soul fits. It’s in human nature to try and get a few close people into that circle.

I relate. I lost numerous friends simply because the energy shifts were too drastic and I couldn’t understand how they led their lives. Eventually, (here comes the piece of advice :stuck_out_tongue: ), I learnt that it’s best to let things be. Don’t neglect anyone you call family. Stick to the regular greetings and workflow. The beliefs, dig them deep into your personal coffers and go through them when all alone. Dictate your path from there on. Don’t mind the rest, don’t mind what anyone else holds to heart, simply guard what you found and what keeps you grounded.

Read a few Carlos Castaneda books, not all, and pick a few strategies that Don Juan stated about “the warrior”.

If you’re a 1776, refrain from posting such posts.

What do you need?

Not by choice. Sticking to rules, where no compromise whatsoever

sijaelewa… are you an atheist?


So you’re not a Christian,Moslem or Atheist? Remaining choices don’t seem pretty - Satanist,animist,Buddhist. Kenya is a Christian nation,what do you expect we’re 80% Christian thank God,you’re not in an Arabic country, youd have died for converting!Am sure they mean well and want the best for you!

Personally Islam and atheism hold no appeal for me,so its not every Christian who considers these as equal options. I would never consider atheism bcz I don’t want to think that all am destined for in the afterlife is to be manure and food for worms and maggots. Eastern religions Hinduism, Buddhism,Taoism and the rest are too complicated or too simplistic for me.Islam is too demanding and distancing from God. I don’t observe anything demanded by Church or the Bible or my fellow Christians thats outside the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. I was frustrated by Christians,by church leaders and religion with its legalism,rituals and rites bcz much of it resembles what Jesus warned off in Mathew 23 . I decided to stop outsourcing my rship with God to religious leaders and institutions bcz Jesus in dying on the cross tore the veil that separated God and His followers which recquired Priests as go betweens for men and God.Now there’s direct access to an intimate and personal rship with God via personal prayer and meditating on the Word of God particularly the life and teachings of Christ and the early church.

Simply,I believe Jesus is the express image of the Father ,that there’s no other way to the Father, that as He was on earth so are we who believe in Him, and that the most important purpose of any Christian’s life is to become conformed to the image of Christ.

Christianity is home for me bcz its personal, between my God and I.I love not Christianity but Christ! In an unstable world God is my anchor bcz He’s immutable,He can be trusted to remain faithful and true to His word and His character,because He’s infinite,omniscient and omnipotent, He can show me the way and the truth and I can count on His intervention for what is impossible for me in my fragile n limited humanity.I love the availability of intimacy with God on a one on one basis.I love it because am acceptable to a holy God thru Jesus sacrifice inspite of my sinful n corrupt human nature. I love it because it demands empathy and compassion for fellow man particularly the vulnerable in society - widows,orphans,the infirm and the poor. I love it because it demands that I be a just person.Not to opress or take advantage of my fellow human being no matter how insignificant they cud be to society.I love it because it demands that I became a better person, with every new day, Bible says be like stars in the sky,be the salt, the light. I love it because it gives me assurance about the destiny that awaits me after my body caves in.I have a place to take my existential angst,my problems,my suffering,my disappointments and the exasperating human condition- a companion and guide to navigate the vicissitudes of life. But what I love most about the God of Christians thats got me completely and unequivocaly sold out to Jesus that no other option can as much as cross my mind is that during the life of Jesus on earth is that He was the most loving and merciful Person to walk the earth.I don’t see that love in the options available. Religion kills but Jesus saves,redeems,restores and transforms! I am a witness! Righteousness,peace,joy is what the kingdom of God is about.

Whatever reason you left Jesus for,He still loves you. My personal experience has been nothing else is comparable to Jesus and even if I was an outcast bcz of Him Id be at peace bcz I know He’s worthy of any persecution including death that I may suffer for being His follower.I pray you’ll find your way! And that God reveals to you all truth!Wish you the best!

Yeah I don’t go to church… I joined a religion of non-goers

Wewe ni illuminaty

What’s that?