Tuesday it is

more sacrifices demanded

One of these fine days, he will bring about the economic destruction of someone… who’ll go nuts and ensure that the “economic destruction source” doesn’t live an extra day.
And that’s when shit will hit the fan for 254 coz nobody will believe that the Government had nothing to do with it!

As Jubilee campaigns on its unifying development factor, babuon is dividing supporters with his violent thuggery of a riot. Then he wonders why he loses all elections.


Safran Morpho must go?
This is the confirmation anyone needs that Raila does not want elections. It would take 1 year at least for a replacement to be ready.

But that someone will all sanity still thinks Raila will be president of anything is quite baffling. Very baffling.

And then claim it was done jubilee moles

We do not pay the GSU to laze in the barracks. They should come out and crack some dim skulls
