Tujus Wife.....Karma

I think that story was stage managed,my two cents

And what is wrong with that if i may ask.
I have done my calculations and trust me she is doing better than 70% of women in this country.:D:D


Seriously, Margaret. This woman blatantly cheated on his husband. She did it right in his face and disgraced his public image.

She brought a man to their matrimonial bed.

I donā€™t even know what to say.

Margaret ni wewe and men do that all the time ā€¦

I know that women need ro stick together in this world that is dominated by Phalluses, but please donā€™t tell me you condone her actions just because other people commit a similar sin. A thief is not pardoned just because other people steal.

As for your religious side:

Exodus 20:14 - Thou shalt not commit

The deftness at which you change your world views would shame even the best wardrobe conjuror.

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Lifeā€™s Good if you have a stable income and a good dick! Simple lifeā€¦

Thanks dear. I wont wash that part of my body where your nipples jabbed

Thought u were an atheistā€¦suprised mmhh

Yes, Maggieā€¦ can I call you that. Maggie? I am an atheist. My Atheism simply means I lack the belief in the supernatural. I donā€™t eat babies or drink the I. V fluid being pumped into patients. No, itā€™s just that the idea of gods doesnā€™t sit well with me.

I am, in all other ways, level headed human being with a sense of justice and fairness.

That said, you just condoned adultery. I think youā€™ll need to drink a bucket of holy water or somethingā€¦

Can I be teaching you about the bibleā€¦ :)ā€¦ men cheat everyday but they want to crucify a woman when tht happensā€¦ stupid double standardsā€¦thts wat I mean

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@purr 27ā€¦its not double standardsā€¦its coz of the risks/resources involved . when a man cheats n a baby is conceived, the wife does not have to use her resources to nurture the kid borne out of the cheating coz its obvious the wife shares no responsibility. in the other way round, when a wife cheats, she can easily pass on the responsibilities of nurturing the kid to the unknowing husband, hence the man looses his resources feeding a kid who doesnt carry his dna. for the thousands of years that homo sapien has evolved, this situation has been engrained in humanity so as to reduce chances of humans using their resources to feed/nurture offspring that are not theirs.

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I dnt know the effectiveness of the methods ā€¦since many still raise kids who are nt theirs ā€¦ sad thouā€¦

I am an Atheist because I understand religion, not because I donā€™t. I probably know more about theā€¦ wait that smiley looks flirtatious. Are you trying to seduce me into having premarital sex with you? Damn, I think we need a whole swimming pool for this oneā€¦

No! You just condoned adultery. Stop trying to wriggle your way out.

I like to look at people individually especially because things like ā€œmale chauvinismā€ arises when we generalize a gender. She cheated on her marriage and caused her husband anguish and pain. She is a bad person.

Ha ha ā€¦whatever ur taking ā€¦wacha iishe sawa

i have heard about her seen her on t.v coz of some sick shit but i really dont know her or what she has gone through n if she really is what people say she is, if she deserves to be in the hell hole she is in or she deserves to be very happy and content with what she has now ā€¦bottom line is at the end my opinion wont matter nor will my judgement

No. It makes you understand what that man/woman you used to despise had to go through to maintain that social status you previously enjoyed.