U.S wamepigwa kisomo na China. Wameambiwa waache utoto

Hapa @Swansea ukipata come back… Nitakununulia whitecup chupa mbili bill yangu

Your argument is extremely weak it is appalling just for example you bring up Chinese fireworks as a precursor to space travel what a joke.
Just to be more accurate the precursor of American space travel was the German V-2.

White people are not geniuses, they are murderers and thieves. That is what they are.

The only thing you forgot to mention is, while doing this, they destroyed all history books and re-wrote everything to start with them as if other civilizations did not exist before the white man. Then he instilled this fake history into the education system and programmed the rest of the world to feel inferior and he continues to program you through the TV and social media if you’re not careful you’re sacked right in.

And sadly ikifika Friday university trained zombies pass by the movie shop to look for mind-numbing serieses with which to spend endless hours on the couch…yet these are the ones society took to school so they can develop solutions to future problems…

It’s a very difficult situation for the youth, especially because there’s an identity crisis.
Our role models have been destroyed or let me put it better. Our last role models existed in the pre and post independence times, there after nothing more.
So a young person, thinks being westernized and americanised is being progressive and civilised. Yet people are being programed to be gay, lesbians, walk around naked, when even animals have their privates covered hy default.
You are programmed to self hate and self destruct.
Shida kubwa sana, my friend.

For me, the worst of this programming is the shit Hollywood is introducing to kids to through that most sacred of mediums - cartoons. Kitambo you could leave your kid watching Tom & Jerry and not have a care in the world. Now you come back and your kid has watched a homosexual episode of a male rabbit marrying another male he can’t even understand…

Says “Tony24” through a device invented by the west, through a communication means invented by the west, wearing western clothes and kept alive by western vaccination.

Then China will be starved of Western Technology. About time!!
They did this to the USSR. And mind you, the USSR managed to last because Russians were ACTUAL inventors of things!!
China has not invented anything since Gunpowder.They rely on stealing and copying Western technology.
They are simply giving the hardliners(both Republican and Democrat) and the ones in the EU(France) and Korea and Japan an excuse to band together and whip China in line.Economic damage to the entire planet be dammed!!

A guy like @patco is so brainwashed that even if you tried telling him that East Africans were trading with the Chinese in the 15th Century, he wouldn’t believe.At that time, Whites were still a barbaric race fighting mongol invasions and plagues. These uncle Toms believe that everything starts and ends with wazungus. Sad

It’s about time. The only loser will be China in this equation. China relies on the US as its main market for exports while at the same time being so restrictive on their internal market.


Very true. Google is restricted in China Facebook, twitter, whatsapp and a bunch of other US tech companies. Why should US give Huawei free access to their market?

@gashwin is making sense. What if china decides to close down factories making American products the likes of iphone since they rely on cheap chinese labour? Their profits will be unheard of.

Lol. For the longest time China has mostly been a sweatshop for Western companies(mostly US ones). Now with increasing pressure to improve worker living conditions and to increase wages, the cheap labour that China was famous for is no longer as cheap.

These sweatshops can easily be moved to other cheaper countries. China will have to accept defeat on this battle

china buys most of US soybean and pork exports. those are necessities for china.
china is a controlled economy that works on enforced discipline. uncontrolled social media is a threat to good order. that is their system. for social media they have Sina Weibo .

Lol. See my argument just above. Apple can just take the hit and just invest in a factory in Indonesia, India or some other country that offers cheap labour. China loses on the export market and since they are heavily reliant manufacturers a lot of people will be jobless. The hit on US in general will be small as they mostly just import from China

so those other countries will not be expected to raise wages? Will american corps keep on moving every ten years? what about their investment in training the workers?
The reason the corps moved to china is so they are competitive in the world. Let them go back to the US and it’s back to square one.

Not only social media. In fact things like Github are blocked in China. Most US cloud file storage companies e.g. dropbox. Things like Gmail, Google Maps etc are blocked.

The US is very right in retaliating. The trade imbalance is too much. If you don’t want US tech companies to set up shop in your country, we block yours too. Napenda sana.

They will raise wages. But by then the companies will have recouped their investment. Either way China will be the loser here. China exports over 600bn USD of products to the US. Hehe. We will see who will blink first.