those of you in the know, why are we borrowing this money ?

@spear umbwa hii, ghasia kuja hapa utuambia what’s the point of this additional 520B when peasants are surviving on less than a single meal per day!

Had the same thoughts, bakuli ndio tunazungusha

Imesemwa hapo, BIG 4!

I wish we can put all this money in manufacturing.
When people are paid well, they will build their own houses or create a market for developers.
I don’t see how its the government’s job to build low cost housing, when majority of Kenyans own houses upcountry but chose to live in urban slums.

[quote=“shocks, post:24, topic:175166”]

Imesemwa hapo, BIG 4!

" Big Four: food security, affordable housing, manufacturing, and affordable healthcare" What nonsense is this? What are we manufacturing if the govt is busy encouraging Chinese cheap imports?!

If you won’t vote for your thief, kindly vote for mine

Uhuru should be impeached for destroying Kenya. He is borrowing money that’s getting stolen as soon as it gets into Kenya and nobody has been thrown in jail for it. I now believe this man is completely lost and doesn’t know what he is doing.

Wewe unaona akina Kidero, PS Omollo, Obado, WSR… kama wote ni nyumba ya Mumbi?

Most money will end up in projects in the big 4 which Uhuru, Chinese and his friends are said to be “Investors”.

Those names you give are small fish.

Mwigai nikiwe meni?

Very shitty

Yaani hakuna parliament that can keep this borrowing on check? Leaders act like cowboy rulers

Kukula na kukopa.

With current energy tariffs, manufacturing wont be competitive.

Uhuru is the worst president ever but we deserve him.

This are the leaders we need, I hope the constitution can be ammended to add Unye 4 or more terms.Borrowing on a weekly basis is what Kenya needs. He is even better than Mobutu.

You saw how the Finance Bill was rigged in the National Assembly.

But Kenyans elected all these hyenas. Wakubali kumalizwa kiroho safi