Understanding clients

IT business hauwezi chezwa. Put bugs in your system Kama unaona utarushwa Doo. Client atakunja mkia arudi kwako for help.

The thing with business in Kenya now is that cuts dictate who gets the deal not necessarily who has the better product or even the most cost effective product . Even foreign vendors know this and look for ways to incline decision makers. In government it’s worse because you are straight up asked for a kick back before you can even be awarded the tender even if your product is in a league of its own. Find a way to resolve the issue out of court and if you feel that you are about to be played ask for payments upfront and if this is not forthcoming just cut your losses. Legal documents without goodwill means nothing in Kenya bcz courts are other dens of corruption and you are unlikely to get any recourse in spite of lengthy and costly litigious process. Do more research on previous vendors to find out the MO of a company before going all in next time. In business your product is only as profitable as your ground work.

I have had this happen to me I counted my losses took down my gear and went on with life no more than two weeks later their internet was down from Thursday through the whole weekend and they called me for help, what I did is I took my lawyer to write for me an express contract which I told them to sign first before I do anything, the client will always be wrong and enticed by others, like this client of mine the MD was advised to leave me and take sufferingcom internet then bam it goes down and they tell him they will send someone which took like forever.

Three issues stand out here which can be self incriminating

  1. Their team member is their It guy
  2. Mention of their client being a sacco
  3. Installation of cameras in the same sacco
    Ungesema shule au printing firm or insurance.
    Ghasia nyingi za IT hukuwa regular sana hii site

It seems on the contract they left out the NDA bit.Anyway to nab such a guy is very easy.

This is actually the norm in most saccos, they keep changing their softwares for flimsy reasons some which could be resolved through dialogue by their vendors. That’s why some nigga are so rich coz you just point out shortcomings of a system then hype yours as the game changer. Mention huge companies using your software in far off counties then bang, umeingiza your mirrions

Hapo sasa.
Wapee for free for a month kisha unyomge stima kwa pole.
Someone else may take it not necessary the Sacco in case they refuse it.
It seems like there are two power plays in this Sacco.
Those who know exactly what is required and those who just wants grease irrespective of the system in place.
Dig for more info from the users.

This is well taken care of

Involve me in your work.
When you advise a client to put in a server, i can help in terms of air conditioning.
You will always get a certain percentage after the job.