Viagra, Cialis, Vega etc

tafuta zinga

brathe hiyo shimo huwezi jaza …our ancestors have been trying the same for centuries before us…

buda fanya ivo enda ubuy ndom alafu useti kwa food…kula hyo chakula chorea zishike halafu anze… and thank me later

Vega 50 iko tu sawa, i once used vega 50 and another pill from an indian chemist at jamia, man

leta hekaya yote man…

I don’t know what your age but if you are less than 45 just stay away from the pills to avoid creating dependency on them when you really don’t need them, Those drugs were meant for old people. Anyway that’s just my opinion if you have to enda chemist the drugs are not illegal.

The only way you can get Pusey if you are financially unstable because of the economic situation in Kenya is by f****ING to perfection, halafu unaitiwa badala ya kubeg, I’m just saying

There is a good homegrown solution…

Known to Luhya’s as Mukhobero ( Latin : Mondia Whitei ) …now commercially grown and available in Supermarkets as a Powder Tonic drink.



So…no more excuses … Go buy a Tin and treat yourself …!!!