Was Jesus a Magician?

While still on the argument…
Free will (use of reason to make decisions) Vs Determinism (there exist a graph, things already predetermined as in life yako ishapangwa)
Illusion is a deceptive or a false impression (in the mind), kama kazi ya magician. This means our mind can only decipher knowledge we get through the senses(perception) upto a certain extend/percentage and nothing more…
Lucy the movie demonstrates the full use of brain cells (all knowing)…


and The Illusionist
Sasa leta hawa ma athiests, just because you are privileged to have the free will doesnt mean you have to abuse it. A mad person or a cow does not have those privileges…nasema tu.

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Mark 3:22, “And the teachers of the law who came down from Jerusalem said, “He is possessed by Beelzebul! By the prince of demons he is driving out demons.”

Mark 3:28-30. "Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin. He said this because they were saying, “He has an impure spirit.”

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Simple advice I have lived with - believe that there is God so that in the end if there is no God nothing happens, else if you don’t believe and in the end God is actually there, you are likely to go to hell…ama namna gani.

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This Jesus must have been some prophet of sorts. A pastor Owuor kind of person. Did you know pastor Owuor can also heal people? Why else do you think he is flocked like that?

Jesus if indeed he was real is very foolish. If you really mean to save human beings you must keep returning every generation. Otherwise the generations before and after you are obviously disadvantaged yet God is supposed to be fair to all and give all a chance.It must be obvious to him and his father that without constant shepherding, human beings will question things that happened long ago and that have no real proof…

Jesus never raised anybody from the dead, such things may only be able to happen in future with advancement of Science, not the abracadabra of Jesus and his magician folk.

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hii stori ya mungu huwa noma sana, n sadly we will never know the truth…we can only speculate

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mimi hushuku sana kama mungu yuko i think its a matter of beliefs and stuff

Ever heard of Lazarus?

Heard of that for sure, same way I have heard of Jesus:D

Yeah it’s safe to play safe. But can God be fooled? If we assume he’s real, will he buy that?

Use of reason to make decisions. Too bad not all humans reason the same. If we all reasoned based on what we see instead of what we “feel”, I doubt religion would have been created.
That said, most atheists more often than not, luck reasoning

Yeah sadly. No one comes back to prove Hell or Heaven is real. We can’t trust those Nigerians either:p

There is a big difference between belief(which causes fear of doing wrong/apprehension) vs morals(which dictates what is inherently right or wrong)


Fair enough. The key word here is “BELIEVE”. I believe you know the gist, John 3:16. Mark 16:16.

If a doctor time-travelled back 2000 years ago, he/she would ‘heal’ an asthmatic person within seconds after giving them an inhaler. Is that magic? No.

Now imagine what the humans would think if an helicopter landed in Jerusalem.

We tend to think that anything we can’t understand is magic or witchcraft. Ask any kisii.

IMO, the disciples too we left in wonder by what Jesus could do and termed the occurences as miracles since they could not understand the principles behind what Jesus could or could not do. That is why Jesus rode on a donkey and not a Prado since prados had not been invented at that time.

In Islam you can question anything. Si lazima uamini unachoambiwa.

[SIZE=5]“There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion.” Qur’an (2:256)[/SIZE]

Life is too ‘big’ and complex to understand it wholy. Scientists say that only 14% of species have been discovered and just about 4% of the universe. So, deciding that there is no God, or creator, with such little information and you (individually) probably understand or know less than 0.0000000000001% of all this, is quite ignorant. Don’t you think?

Life is too ‘big’ and complex to understand it wholy. Scientists say that only 14% of species have been discovered and just about 4% of the universe. So, deciding that there is no God, or creator, with such little information and you (individually) probably understand or know less than 0.0000000000001% of all this, is quite ignorant. Don’t you think?

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