Washika dau saidia

[li]You are single for a long time[/li][li]You have nduthied to all porn categories[/li][li]Nduthi doesn’t turn you on anymore[/li][li]You have difficulty in approaching women[/li][li]So you realise your Balls tension on lanyes[/li][li]The Solution is practice to approach women.[/li][li] If you spend 1k on lanye for a shot then spending the same amount on a date won’t be a problem. [/li][li]after 3 dates, utavaa panty Kama mokorino ukichapa doggy[/li][li][ATTACH=full]219982[/ATTACH][/li][/ul]

How old are u? If u are below 35 dont worry, its a phase which u will outgrow

It’s all in ya mind

Ukivaa condom, bado utapata soul ties?

Boss, what are you talking about?

Soul ties nye nye nye bora I remain HIV negative and take reasonable care of my health I’ll ferk to my hearts deaire

:eek::eek::smiley: you can do all those things to a whore?