water politics

Ok, let’s then take it even further and tell the counties that form the water catchment for Lake Victoria to ask Egypt to start paying for the water failure to which they will start pumping the water to the residents.
Why stop short?

Just another clown looking for re-election material; like the rest of them clowns… Kelele za chura tuuuuu…

Personally I hope shit hits the fan, it breaks loose while spinning… You get the point.

This debate isn’t about water for Muranga or Nairobi. Its about money. Muranga county wants X amount paid monthly to them by Nairobi county. Unfortunately they never thought through their argument. Their is no profit or gain in providing water to residents. Its usually a social obligation not a business since their is not profit in it. Nairobi resident like everyone else are charged water bills to cover for distribution costs, for getting the water to you. Their is no profit. Kidero tried to sell Nairobi water to a French firm but national government vetoed that since it would mean people water bills would increase X10 so that the private firm can now make profit. All the water dams, pipes and infrastructure are built by national government and those loans taken to do so are being repaid by national government. Muranga county only hosts the dam, the water is from Aberdare. That’s why our constitution put water resources under national government not counties. They rightly foresaw this pull and shove. However Muranga people should not feel left out. The Northern collector tunnel is 60% complete. Every flood season the excess flood water will be collected once rivers overflow, go through the tunnel to fill Ndakaini dam instead of going to flood peoples farms in lower Muranga, Nyeri, Embu and Kirinyaga. Part of that project entail 5 water distribution pumping stations and pipe water distribution to homes in Muranga. Its a world bank project so it moving slowly. Also blame land owners who have outrageous demand of compensation for allowing the pipelines to be sunk through their land. They want to be paid the full cost of the land for a water pipeline buried 2 meets deep in their land. So unfortunately this clamour for our water is time barred as by 2020 people will now have piped water and the debate will die a natural death. For now someone explain that Nairobi county earns zero for water bills. It barely covers cost for maintaining the network. All water projects in Nairobi is covered by loans guaranteed by Treasury.


Muranga county residents should watch after 3.30 mins to see the water distribution plants in their county being built.