Weight loss......

u can be over 100 kgs with lean mass like my gym partner…

Na ugali herbal? ile ya Pure health company? Ile recommended to diabetics

Lets do it this way … first of all you need the right mindset to start working out. The second thing do not look at the diet as the immediate cause of your weigh gain and start engaging in serious cardio routines like a simple morning run, forget about the lift and walk to cover short distances. Those are very simple routines that may look like nothing to you but to your body you are gearing it up to a new way of life - fitness… I have come across people with esteem issues coz of weight but are not willing to take the step forward and start working out , may be you need a push or someone to be checking up on you … i can help you anonymously of course as long as you remain true to yourself that everyday you will be part of a routine set up help you regain your form