Weight loss

Nime fika hapo nika stuka bana, thought ulikua Uji ondoe uhai:D:eek:

Iyo ni upuss

This is incredible

practise intermittent fasting and take green smoothies in place of meals

Marry a nagging woman. Cuts weight like hell. Anyway on a serious note:

  1. Cut down on carbs and red meat.
  2. Drink plenty of water
  3. Exercise a lot.

Leave these sugary drink. Make it a priority to drink only water. Take out the unhealthy foods from your diet. Take long walks preferably in the evening when you going home. You will see change within 3 months and if you don’t consult a doctor.

I think you should go for a walk (morning, evening or during the day) and also try intermittent fasting. A cup of lemonade every morning can help. And most important, stop thinking about reducing weight, start thinking of getting in shape- your weight is also mental. Tafuta kazi ya mkono!

I prefer you forget about losing weight as your main goal and start using the natural ways of losing weight as new hobbies. If losing weight rotates in your mind, then you will be adding weight. Make it your lifestyle not your solution to problems.

life is very funny, some wanna cut weight while others wanna gain it by all means

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