Well fed Raila issues orders for Likoni recovery operations to continue

We’ve been waiting for it to end since you and the other wsr bloggers started predicting this last year this time… :stuck_out_tongue:

Comparing RAO with Biwott is sheer madness.

It is perfect comparison given what we are comparing: the source of either’s power.

Both their powers stem from the presidency and not the constitution

:D:D:D:D:D:D hehehe you just had to eeeh

Tangu rao afugwe na jumbirii wakenya tumekosa mengi.
We seriously need an opposition,to keep the gava on it’s toes

It will end when bbi pm recomendations are rejected not now, what the two brothers want is power enshrined in the constitution and for that to happen post 2022 there must be an executive pm for uhunye bila hio nothing to tie them together

And their interests will end once bbi executive pm recomendations is rejected

I can assure you the PM’s post will be there. Just prepare for it because it will be ‘fixed’ by all means possible. If you really think your votes are important, just vote against tuone results.

No way itapita with the prevailing economic hardship, that is why they want to pass it through a parliamentary amendment. Secret surveys are done to test the public mood and all are a against it


Your analysis needs to be more nuanced. RAO’s powers do not come from the Presidency like those of a henchman.

Inabidi ulambe mukundu yake and gain some weight for Ruto and Uhunye…

Those are your words

So where do his powers come from?

Do these politicians have kids?

They look so stupid

Think about it…where does that leave their supporters here…? :stuck_out_tongue:

Mujinga, na next time he calls for demonstrations all you Neanderthals come out in force carrying even your breast feeding children ndio wakipigwa rungu na polisi you cry for the next 5 years.
Akinona wewe umenona ghasia hii?


From witchcraft? Why would any one who won the elections with 98% of the vote shake his hand? What is there to shake hands for?

Go back to your shit hole and eat your stinky omena for supper while he enjoys four course meals downed with the rarest whiskys in 5 star establishments meffi.