What advice would you give your 25-year-old self?

Bingwa niaje

  1. Have more sex on tables than beds
  2. Don’t use a condom

The that the decisions he makes now will determine his future. Have fun but with boundaries. Save before you spend. A good woman ‘singular’ will ground you. Multiple streams of income.

Borderline bipolar.

I think I have a lot to give, so let me just enumerate from my own experiences and from those of others I have observed around me. Including previously mentioned points:

  • Having a stable girlfriend is extremely important:- Ukiwa 25 bila dame umecohabit na yeye utajipata unabeba chips fungas tu and it might fuck up your psychology. The risk of alcoholism is also heightened ukiishi peke yako na uko na pesa. A stable girlfriend will keep you in check.
  • Don’t have kids until you have your money figured right. I mean good money.
  • Take big calculated risks. The older you get, the lower your risk tolerance. I once risked my rent money in a deal back in the day. When raising kids, you don’t have the luxury to take such big risks. Those big risks pay off the most.
  • Your parents are aging. Anza kuwatumia kakitu endmonth. It’s payback time.
  • Don’t fucking add weight :smiley: How old you look matters more than how old you actually are. Usitake patana na classmate wako wa university anakaa uncle yako.
  • Jibambe sometimes. You won’t dance in the club at 50, so do it now. Don’t deny yourself some pleasures of life because nobody will come out alive anyway.

That was below the belt lakini sawa @Ka-Buda

Personally,are u married…or are u theorizing some issues here?

Obviously I am. Two kids, separate women. It’s complicated.


Huku KTalk we are v young. Kendu 23-24 moving to 16-18 hivi hivi. Older than that you are reminded you are a fossil.

Way above that n no one dares to call me a fossil

Mimi bado niko @under23

Maybe they remind you via your other handles. It must be difficult to keep up.

don’t make babies if you aren’t married. and make a few when married.

Genius advice man, I bet you must feel very very proud of yourself now

Fukc fukc fukc, its the only real thing in life. Fukc until the bolls are read hot, dymistify sex, see it in its real not overrated value; you will then be able to control the urge no matter what pussy is thrown at you. This state will give you the power to never let your hands off the wheel. The more you accumulate in life the higher the risk it will all disappear into the vortex we call pussy (a man’s Achilles’s heel). Remember the words to the song, “Itawezekana aje kufanya mapenzi pasipo na fikira?”

Just turned 22 the other day … got some paying internship ( seems I might continue for a long time there ) in Westlands recently… taking elders advice seriously… shida ni betting n’ alcohol… I need to start saving seriously

People ain’t shyte! (Friends and family alike)
Do Not entrust your Fate in the hands of other people.
You were born alone and you will die alone.
One thing you can count on with people is that they will fuck you over when you most need them.
They never disappoint.
Learn to be independent.

Damn, pole lakini. You need to choose one, and wife her, the other one unamtumia pesa za upkeep. Please do not add to your baby mamas.

I have no regrets and I’m very thankful to God for that. What would I tell my 25 year old self? Put God first and do not seek instant gratification. When you do things the right way, it’s a hard, lonely road but eventually life shows up and everything becomes beautiful in due time.

The idea that you should get a kid when in your mid 20’s is glorious bullshit. Get money, at least 500k in the bank and live a low cost life. Save your coins and invest. Chances are high by the time you are 29 - 30 you will be financially stable and not living from paycheck to paycheck as almost every single middle classer does in Nairobi.